The universe of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire is an incredibly unique and interesting one, but it is also heavily based upon real life events. This video is the first part of many detailing some of those real life inspirations. This video focuses primarily on the comparison between the British Isles and Westeros.

Music: Ross Bugden Epic Orchestral Dubstep Hybrid Unstoppable



  1. Ireland is not a British Isle and never has it been a British Isle. The ancient Greeks called Ireland Ivernia the Romans called it Scottia Major at first and later Hibernia after the Iberian Peninsula in Northern Spain & Portugal where the Irish and the Scottish came from. The Irish Gaels and their Scots-Gaelic cousins the Scottish (Dáil Riada) are descended from Celt-Iberians from Gaelicia in Northern Portugal and Spain by Haplogroup-R1B DNA scientific evidence. There were also ancient High kings in Ireland who defeated the Vikings for example Brian Boruma "An Ard Rí nÉireann 7 Imperator Scottorum" The High King of Ireland and Emperor of the Gaels/Scots, who sat on the famous Throne of Tara in Meath Ireland and fought at the battle of Clontarf defeating the Vikings in 1014 AD long before William the conquer ever invaded Britain and over a hundred years before the Normans(English) ever invaded Ireland.The current pretender to the Throne of Tara is Desmond The O'Conor Don in Gaelic "Deasmumna Ua Concúir Donn". He is the 32nd grandchild and direct male primogeniture blood descendant of Rory O'Conor "Ruadrí Ua Concúir" last High King of Ireland. The Irish were certainly not Barbarians at all. In fact they were recognized by the papacy and the Holy Roman Emperors as noble and most High Kings. Jonus Scotus Eiregena which literally means John from Ireland who has the genetics of the Éire people was, summoned by Emperor Charles the Bald to teach in the Court of the Francish Empire. The Irish monks brought Christianity to pagan England after the fall of the Roman Empire. I have read a lot of racist comments here from ignorant people from the Island of Britain saying terrible and stereotypical remarks about my people. Saying Irish are stupid, lazy, drunks, terrorists, idiots who should leave the EU and rejoin the UK. So here is a list of things invented by the Irish down throughout human history. Enjoy…James Hoban: The White House,Joseph Murphy: Potatoe Chips/Crisps,Robert Perciville: Soda Water,Hans Sloane: Chocolate Milk,John Phillip Holland: The Submarine,John Joly: Colour Photography,Robert Boyle: Modern Chemistry/Boyles Law,Richard Cantillon: Entrepreneurship,Francis Beufort: The Beufort Scales ,James Murray: Milk of Magnesia,William Reid Clanny: The Safety Lamp
    Aeaneas Coffey: The Column Still,Nicholas Callan: The Induction Coil,Francis Rynd: The Syringe,Robert Mallet: Seismology,Arthur Leared: The Stethoscope,William Rowan Hamilton: Calculus,John Tyndall: The Greenhouse Effect ,George Johnstone Stoney: The Electron
    Louis Brennan: The Torpedo,Charles Boycott: Boycotting ,Charles Algernon Parsons: The Steam Turbine,John Robert Gregg: Shorthand
    Samuel O'Reilly: The Tattoo Machine,Howard Grubb: The Reflector,Harry Ferguson: Three Point Linkage,Dr. James Drumm: The Zinc Battery
    Ernest Walton: The Splitting of the Atom(Yes that's right the Irish split the atom),James Martin: The Ejection Seat,Vincent Barry: Clofazimine
    Frank Pantridge: The Portable Defibrillator,Jocelyn Bell Burnell: Pulsar,Jonus Scotus Eiregena: Scholasticism education and Philosophy.
    Never ever let any other nation in the world make you feel ashamed to be Irish and European. That is all…

  2. Vikings didn't conquer York they settled over Northern England and founded Jarvik, which is now known as York. I get your point however. The monarchy is also a big fat lie, there's still Stuart's in the world that have a closer claim to being true heirs to William the conquerer than the Windsors/Germans.

  3. Yea Ireland isn't part of the British Isles or the UK. Remember Ireland has a border it's only northern Ireland the tiny corner at the top right. Definitely not a mistake you wanna make when visiting Ireland as it could give you alot of problems


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