Explore the different visions of Rhaegar Targaryen that could prove to be key to the entire story.

Rhaegar Targaryen is easily one of the most talked about characters throughout Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire.

He is responsible for starting Robert’s Rebellion all because of a prophecy about Azor Ahai, The Prince that was Promised.



  1. Daenerys is Azor Ahai she will fulfill the prophecy by piercing Drogon's heart with dragon glass/magic thus making him a white. Drogon is the light bringer, he will become more stronger than night kings dragon/Viserion and will help bring the dawn by destroying night king and his army.

  2. I used to love GRRM, but once he became like the mad king and got this insane bloodlust to kill characters left and right, I just can't…I mean, that kind of carnage is not realistic either in real life or in books. Well, maybe unless Hitler is involved. I think Tolkien ended his story in a brilliant way, however, at this point I don't believe that GRRM will manage to do that…his talent is immense, of course, no doubt there, but he has simply become predictable…yeah, yeah, kill everyone off, everyone dead in the end, life is nothing but suffering in most cases, so let me burry your under just one more pile of shit.

  3. As season 7 has wraped up,theres a new theory. Raeghars first wife could not bear more children after the birth of their daughter,and as their mariage was political,she was ok with her husband divorcing her and mariig for love. And since Robert started his rebelion,he was a threat to all known Thagerian children, as such Aegon was given the name John by Ned, and the first wife helped hide him by adopting a false Aegon as her own,remember at the time of Roberts rebelion noone except the meister and Ned knew that Liana was married to Raeghar

  4. Can we get an updated theory now? Its so hard to try and blend the books and TV together now that they are so far apart from each other. Really wonder if Jon's true name is the book is going to be Aegon as well.

  5. I think after watching season 7 final episode and fitting the pieces together Daenerys vision in the Books was the actual thing that happened as if her brother Raeghar was telling her that his Son with Lyanna Stark is the promised prince the third head of the dragon and this Son real name was Aegon VII Targaryen (Jon Snow) so Azor A'hai is Jon/Aegon and I presume he is going to have to kill Daenerys to have Lightbringer and kill the Night King once and for all. I think they didn't show this vision in the series because you would have fitted the pieces together too quickly and lose interest by some people, not me that is for sure.

  6. i saw the last episode where bran sees Rhaegar in his vision i thought he is gonna like a crazy badass motherfucker i thought he gonna look like thor but he looked like a blonde gay sister fucker…. suck a disappointment … xD

  7. This is exactly how it is in the book. Aegon returning. The King that was Promised. If I recall he has a closer claim to throne. It was how he is arranged in family. ?? If I remember he appeared to be younger but he's got someone blood in him gives him this Throne and all of Westeros over Dani but I trust her diplomacy with Tyron in tow. She needs to watch that dude and how he interacts with his own nasty, white trash investing pig eaters! She needs to be 100% on. I mean when she meets Lannisters.

  8. I think that after meeting Lyanna, Rhaegar realized that Aegon was not the prince that was promised and the song of ice and fire was not meant for him. The son of a dragon and a sun spear doesn't have ice. I think it's also the reason he had his best men with Lyanna at the Tower of Joy and not with Elia at the Red Keep. He wanted to protect that child as he was the one who could save them all. I do think Jon is the Last Hero and not Azor Ahai. Rhaegar is more likely to be AA and Jon as his third child Lightbringer (he was in the night's watch where he pledged to be the sword in the darkness, let's not forget the NW was created by the Last Hero; he was brought back by the Lord of Light etc.). He will defeat the darkness after bringing together the people to defeat that threat. Yeah I know I'm reaching lol

  9. a commenter on another video told me they left that vision of rhaegar and elia, that dany saw in the house of the undying because theyre not going to put any of the 'dragon has 3 heads' stuff in the show, that we will have to get answers for that and most of the other theories from the books (if he ever writes them. no valonquar answer (that part of maggy frog prophecy was left out) and all these other unresolved plots. it had me very depressed. think about got theory videos on youtube over the last few years- sooo many great- and weird- theories. now they just raced thru season 7 at breakneck speed its becoming clear we arent going to see any of that stuff. shit, we'll be lucky if we get the resolutions to the stuff actually IN THE SHOW. Will we find out who is the prince who was promised? or Azor Ahai? or if theyre the same person? what about the 3 betrayals- that prophecy wasnt in the show i dont think. in fact, WHAT WAS Quaithes purpose in the show? they brought her in just for those couple meaninglesd scenes? We are just missing too much on the show- you can tell just by looking at the new GoT videos on youtube now. theyre all LEAKS, SPOILERS, REVIEWS AND RECAPS, MORE LEAKED SCRIPTS. I'm not watching another leak. but its sad theres no good theory videos anymore, as clearly theyre not gonna put anything else exciting in- shit, theyre not even really wrapping up what they already started. we've only seen brief scenes of all the characters (except the most major ones) every few episodes or so. its made me sad. i love the show, we're just not getting enough Games of Thrones in our Game of Thrones. keep doing your thing, nice to have a video to watch with no spoilers (hard to find nowadays)

  10. jon snow is Aegon targaryen and rhaegar was talking to lyanna not elya martell! He is the legitimate son of rhaegar , the true heir to the throne as rhaegar and lyanna got married in a secret

  11. I have been watching game of thrones since the start on HBO but never read any books. It's crazy how much my life has changed in these 6/7 years. Anyway lately I have just been completely obsessed with Rhaegar and Lyanna's story. I actually watched for like 5 or 6 years having no clue that Jon was important or that he wasn't Ned's bastard. Now that I know I have been seeing so many clues in old episodes it's crazy. I really feel like Rhaegar is extremely important, but they transfer that importance to Jon since Rhaegar can't really be the main character of a show that takes place after his death.


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