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I hope it's not true but it always confused me how such an uninteresting character as Sam has stayed alive this long you'd expect him to be killed off in the first season
I think Sam is the Narrator! I also think the fact that it is called a Song! of ice and Fire.. will have something to do with Sansa.. in the beginning she was the girly girl who dreamt of the Songs of princes and princesses. Cersei I think has over thought who is the queen who will bring her down..First she thought Margery! now Dany… but I feel Sansa may take the throne. think about Dany's visions at the house of the undying. She see's a dragon fly over Kings Landing! you are meant to believe its one of hers.. yet it could be Viserion..hence why in the next scene you see the iron throne in snow and ice as she arrives. but note one think Cersei is Queen now and has the Lannister lion behind her instead of the symbol of the seven… but in Danys dream the symbol of the seven is back! Dany doesn't believe in the seven.. so who is the most likely to come claim the throne and restore the seven. but then what might befall her with winter.
I guess with last night he knowing more than the three eyed raven is proof
Sam Tarley will sit on the iron throne… he is the persona of R.R. Martin….Martin is anti war so it the underlying theme of the series…Sam is a steward someone who will govern by the appointment of Jon Snow… you heard it here first!
That's way too similar to Lord of The Rings for my liking. I can see how it would give closure to the end, reading it as what has passed and been survived, but Sam Tarly writing and reading it as a narrative is too much of a mirror of Samwise Gamgy being given Lord of the Rings book by Frodo to fill in the last pages. But then we do have a Pyp in both GoT and LotR and in place of Merry we got dolorous Edd, so making Jon frodo and Bran Gandalf. Ok I've run away with it a wee bit I admit
100% correct…
also grrm said that sam is the character closest to him…
so in the end…sam will say
'kid(s) this is how the game of thrones occurred'
Maybe, assuming bran shows him everything. But in the books you get to hear what people are thinking all the time. So woulsnt make sense unless bran can also see and show what others are thinking, which i guess, but he hasn't been shown to be able to do that. Or actually I cant remember, when people pray at the weirwood trees do they do it vocally or mentally in the books?
To take it further he might be telling the story to the Archmaester himself, reading his own work, which in the end will enable him to become a maester for his good work.
Super old theory
GRRM and Sam Tally are one and the same person. Yes he is the writer of the books. He is in our universe because he is a time traveler.
Didn't Mr. Martin at one point answer a question regarding which character he most related to, and thus replied that it was Sam? Most people seemed to think that the statement was merely a jape aimed at the matter of "waist-width" and what not. Yet, all things considered, it could have deeper implied meaning and fit into this hypothetical scenario. Him being the narrator and all…
If in the future Sam can interview the survivors of Daenerys army, the westerosi armies, the nobles, the wildling, etc. then he can put a story with some condiments like every ancient history writer do (maybe Tywin, Cersei and Littlefinger were not that bad in reality? Maybe Jaime is put in a lighter view because he redemes himself at the end?) . He is the closest friend of the king in the north, the probable "prince that was promised", he is first hand witness of the story Beyond The Wall, the most difficult to tell. If Dany and Jon join an alliance and win then Sam is in position to become the most influential Maester in Westeros and, perhaps, the most important scholar in the world. He can ear from Daenerys, Grey Worm, Missandei and many others what happens in Essos. From Sansa, Arya, Tyrion, Varys, Theon and Davos (if they survives) what happens in the War Of The Five Kings (not only the battles but the intrigues and betrayal). He knows Bran so maybe he can acces to the history from him too. I think is very possible that Sam is the character representing George RR Martin, the storyteller of the Song of Ice and Fire.
Interesting thought bran aka 3 eyed raven said he can see everything from everyone. Will Sam meet bran in the future to get all the perspectives of all the main players in story? Just an interesting thought
Reminds me of mass effects epilogue – so no
Wow, not even thought bout this before but makes perfect sense!!!!
There's another nod to this theory in ep.3
cause Sam is GRRM in it
I've been a fan of this theory for a while but the last few seconds blew me away! It ends like the LotR but GRRM gets to pull a Stan Lee. Brilliant!
Alll I took from that episode was that the Maester is writing the book of the events we are watching. Sam may just give him a poetic title. I do not think GRRM, based on his many interviews, is going to copy Tolkien to that extent. He says he doesn't like being compared to Tolkien, even though he loves his work. The show might go that way though, so who knows.
One of the most interesting aspects of this theory is the subtle but undeniable message that we're still getting a biased version of the events in ASoIaF. Which is basically what history IS – a version of real events as seen through the (biased) eyes of the historian.
This is how Daenerys can be seen as good and Cersei seen as evil, when in fact they have both been guilty of great cruelty and of deep love.
Yeah that makes sense. Great vids man, thanks!
Sorry guys I found the answer on my own, anyone else with this problem turn off your flash player!
Any ideas as to why the screenshot is telling me my browser does not support HTML5 when it is first on their list of browsers that do??
I had a feeling GOT was gonna end like that but tbh I hope it doesn't end as it just being a narrated. ASOIAF feels more real the way it is, if it ends with as a narrated story it would feel less real to me.
Sam being the maester of house Stark telling someone the story old nan style. 🖒
Aislinn Slider Yes love Game of Thrones Yes

YES Aislinn Slider Yes love. Aislinn Slider. Yes

Aislinn Slider Yes love Game of Thrones Yes
Nope. It will be little Sam who will write the Game of Thrones: Song of Ice and Fire. He seems to be a character that keeps popping up over and over without apparent purpose. Every character in got has a purpose. He will be a survivor who writes the final epic based on his stepfathers notes and memories after Sam becomes Danerys maester. Probably become one himself.
That would be a mind trip
Game of Thrones is so fucking awesome.
Sam is George's character
99% sure this theory is true.
Samwell Tarly = GRRM
And no, I don't think it will end with him reading it to some kid.
Wow! I really agree.
Well this makes sense but that would be wierd because how does Sam know what is going on in the lives of some people he hasn't even talked to yet!!
So how long did it take for Sam to narrate all the 6 seasons
I have a spoiler for all of you!!
Viscerion is gonna die in the season finale,but he will be reserructed by the Nights King!!
It's an interesting theory, but you should be careful with the use of the word "confirmed". Unless we've seen it happen or HBO have announced so,thing, nothing is confirmed and is purely speculation.
it would be awesome if at the end it cut away and George RR Martin (as an old sam) was reading the story .
Yes Yes, when he was talking about writing histories. I picked up on that. Very very interesting!
i dont know why this theory is so much important & everyone is talking about this theory.
What matter most is.
What are your opinions?
Other than Sam is still alive in this world.
If what you are saying is true then it also means that sam would have survived the fight between Westeros and White Walkers and they would have destroyed white walkers. Thus, it also tell us more about the ending. But we know GRRM is famous for trick endings. So, i think it is not a plausible ending.
what a cute idea. I doubt it'll end with Sam closing the books he's reading though. Seems too good.
Nice video as alway the best
wow that's a good look out noticing all that!! I wouldn't have noticed that at all. . he's definitely one of my favorite characters with many more lol. love the video as always.

Martin has said that all of the clues to the ending are in the first book- do you have a video on this topic?
Bran being the narrator makes much more sense, since he knows what's been happening in both Essos and Westeros.
Your theory is weak.