The Secret Of Valyria | Can It Help The Realm? (Game of Thrones) –

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  1. No, I don't think the Iron Throne is made of Valyrian steel swords. The only ones possessing those valuable swords were Targaeryen or people from Essos, since no one ever heard of Valyrian steel before Aegon's conquest.
    It would be fantastic if Drogon or Raeghal breath could turn the Iron Throne into Valyrian steel with Dany sitted there! EPIC. Then they would destroy the damn throne to re-forge new swords to kill the Night King and his troops.

  2. There is no shortage of Valyrian steel, the vault door in the Essoros city where they locked that guy in to kill him was made from Valyrian steel. The Vault was empty of gold but the door itself is priceless as it is thousands of pounds of Valyrian steel that can be melted down and recast as swords etc. Danaris has the key and she owns the vault, she just needs to send a raven and order it melted down.

  3. I have s theory that valeryian steel is made with dragons fire and you mix steel with dragon glass which is why some of the blades are black and why they can kill the others in one hit. Remember the dragons are the ones that brought magic back from the brink of disappearing as soon as they hatched everyone that knew magic around the world had their spells work easier this goes for the house of the undying to the snd the wild fire makers

  4. What makes Valerian steel special is not that it's made with dragons fire… it's not even. It's that the ore they used was mined from a cave with obsidian(dragon glass) in it. Perhaps this is why the steels affective against the white walkers.

  5. I don't think it's a mattter of whether any of the swords are of valyrian steel or not… It's a matter of whether the REAL and original Lightbringer from Azor Ahai's legend is welded in with those swords, which I think is most likely the case. The only way you can remove it is by melting down the Iron Throne with dragon fire. The only sword that isn't melted away by the fire is the flaming Lightbringer. It's possible that Sam will learn what is inside the Iron Throne through the scrolls/books he stole from The Citadel.

  6. Well, in the show valyrian steel swords are very rare and only few houses has one. But in the books they are rare, but there is few hundred valyrian steel sword. See connection?
    And 'cause we know how show mix different things what happen in books, I woukdn't be suprised, if Iron throne is made in valyrian steel.

  7. The blood of the kings and the lives required are the deaths of the owners of the swords, then they are melted by dragons breath. It seems pretty likely to me that they're Valerian in nature or could hold magical properties.

  8. When Bran and his gang were hiding in the tombs of Winterfell after Ramsey burned it down, I thought I had heard or maybe I read it in the books that most of the swords of the dead Starks had rusted? The throne doesn't look rusted to me and it's as old as the dead Starks, right? So maybe the heat from the dread dragon did do something to the swords.

  9. You make a good point. The wavy lines that identify damascus steel come from folding in different elements into the steel to give it the properties of each of those element: Hard, but not brittle. Strong, but not heavy …etc.
    The forging of Valerian Steel MAY have involved folding in dragon glass.

  10. I'm not sure if this factors in, but it took about 2 months for smiths to forge the swords into the throne. Being heated by the fire of powerful dragon for that long may've had changed the metal. Maybe the secret of Valyrian steel involves forging/working the magic of a dragon into the metal for a certain amount of time. The Valyrian steel process might involve some sort of equation dependent on dragon size (i.e bigger/more powerful dragon equals less time) as you have to work the correct amount of dragon magic into the steel to Valyrian-ize it.

  11. For the show, it could make sense and be believable since there is a significantly smaller amount of swords. For the books where there are legitimately 1,000 swords, however, I doubt it would be a believable realization.

  12. Hey there. I was watching some old episodes and realised that there is a tonne of Valrarian Steel at the Citadel. Maester of Winterfell said that "Any Maester 100 and more has a link of Valarian Steel". As we know there are smiths who can reforg Valarian Steel, maybe a lot more weapons will be made of it. Like swords and armor and spears. Possibly.


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