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  1. Robin is close to Bran's age, lysa got married the same time as Cat & it was proven she was fertile so it's strange she didn't get pregnant for 10yrs till LF came to kings landing.

  2. I guess it is possible, but I'm just not feeling it- in her crazy, jealous rant in front of sansa, Lysa did definitely sound like she'd been sleeping with Littlefinger when she was living at court with Jon Arryn. She was wanting to marry LF the minute she got to the Fingers, saying she had waited long enough, when he clearly wanted to wait until they were at the Eyrie- with witnesses, and she said she was going to scream, cos she was tired of having to be quiet, so thats an admission basically damn the more i write this, the more i'm convincing myself its LF's kid! why did I think it wasnt? huh, oh, well theres a few reasons but the MAIN thing that makes me think hes not Baelish's is that at the end, when Lysa totally snapped, she spilled ALL the beans about EVERYTHING killing Arryn cos LF told her to, about losing her virginity to LF, getting pregnant and her father 'murdering' it with moon tea, about getting Arryn to hire LF- (basically he owed his rise in society and wealth to her- well, at least his start, altho he was manipulating and using her since she was a kid, so i guess that counts as him doing it himself.) But my point is she put EVERYTHING out there b4 he threw her out the moon door, and she did NOT mention Robin being his son. She definitely would've said it. When she said they could 'make another baby together', I feel like she was talking about the baby with Petyr that her dad aborted. She really wanted to keep that baby, that was very clear, especially cos it was Petyrs and shes been in love w him her whole life, and she never got over losing it. She would've wanted to be with Petyr years ago if Sweetrobin was his, and wlda constantly bothered him about it- I dont think he wlda been stupid enough to get her crazy ass pregnant when she was married to Arryn- she was too crazy- who knows what she wlda said or done or told, and he doesnt like wild cards. Plus he NEEDED her to keep her position as Lady of the Eyrie for him to benefit from it- not have her start wanting to tell people and run off with him and their love child. Other reasons I think Robin is Arryn's is how sickly Robin is. Arryns seed was weak and old, all other babies died, and the one who lived is a weak, sickly, ugly little thing. Also LF doesnt treat the boy like his- wouldn't a father want more for his only son? most men would want their son to be raised a lil differently than Lysa's parenting- the other knights & Lords are digusted at how shes raising him. Even King Robert was ashamed of Joff- being disarmed by Arya- and said to Ned, how can I have a son like THAT. But that is a weak reason cos I dont think LF would give a damn about any kid he had- except for how he could use him, which he is doing w Sweetrobin anyway. So, no. I dont think he is Littlefingers. Honestly, LF is such a scumbag, if he had to choose between a son of his own, his own blood and name or a stepson with a "good name", we all know which one he would choose.
    edit: hm, i didnt know jon arryn was blonde- are we sure about that. Tullys are famously Auburn. Westeros does seem to think hair color is equal to a maury povitch 'U R NOT THE FATHER' DNA test, so that is iffy- but I still think she wlda blabbed it out when she lost it at the end. Even if he had told her not to. I mean she admitted to murder for crying out loud.

  3. I say that this doesn't matter because robin arran is the most annoying person in the entire show.
    Like is you agree

    P.S dont do it, I'm joking. XD
    P.P.S about liking it not how robin is annoying… that much is true.

  4. I could defiantly see it because GRRM also tends to in my opinion make his characters have similar traits to the actual parents when it comes to physical abilities as well. Little finger in the show states he was never very good with fighting or anything that really goes with it. And if I remember correctly john Aaron was a half decent warrior but the child can barely hold the bow as we saw in the show.. he's actually compleat trash but that's just my thought

  5. From my knowledge of genetics, both red hair and blonde hair are recessive genes, meaning that if either Lyssa or Jon had been carrying a dark hair gene, it would've made them dark haired. So it would be damn near impossible for two recessive-haired people to conceive a dark haired child.

  6. the child she aborted is confirmed to be petyrs this isnt speculation. when LF challenged Brandon for catelyns hand brandon injured him and he was recovering at riverrun, high on milk of the poppy. lysa snuck into his room and had sex with him but he thought it was catelyn. she later turned up pregnant and was forced to get an abortion.

  7. I always thought that Robin was based on Margaret d'Anjou's son Edward. Margaret was the queen of England, but her husband the king was mentally ill. He would go through periods of catatonia, and the prince was born during one of these periods. Because he was not well, the king could not publicly recognize the boy as his son just after birth (though he did eventually). The king never questioned the child's paternity, but the people, and Margaret's enemies certainly did. Also, like Robin, when Edward's mother found a criminal guilty of a crime, she allowed her violent little son to choose their punishment, which he gleefully did.

    I really liked reading the comments below that mentioned that Peter's self made sigil is a mockingbird. A bird who sings a pretty song, though they don't usually lay their eggs in other birds' nests. In fact, it is the other way around. They often raise another bird's chicks.

    That being said, wasn't Peter supposed to be a small, weak, sickly boy? Exactly like Robin? Curiouser and curiouser.

  8. I'm having this little fantasy where Sansa works this out for herself somehow and mocks Petyr with it, when it hadn't even occurred to him. She's clever enough, if she had enough of the information. And the irony would be so sweet to have the tables turned and her be the keeper of secrets, especially his. The look on his face LOL

  9. In the show when Littlefinger and Lysa reunite, "We had our wedding night many years ago, or don't you remember?" Yeah really seems to be mentioned so the audience thinks "they've definitely done this before!"

  10. Robin is probably Johns son. He is weak and sickly. Prone to epilepsy and as mentaly unstable as his mother. In the books even Johns banner men have another set up to take his place in Harry the heir. They know the boy will not live long enough to inherit.

  11. I think it's possible considering the lengths Littlefinger went to, to convince Lysa he some how loved her, Robin definitely looks a lot like Littlefinger too don't you think? but we'll see… all these little things in-between we'll just have to wait and find out.


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