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  1. to hatch a dragon egg you need valyrian blood or magical presence, and a living sacrifice to be burned alive. which is why dany burned the witch lady and why mother dragons in the wild capture a live prey to be brought back and roasted when it's time to hatch eggs. it is known.

  2. At the time of hatching eggs the witch has been burned alive along with dead khal and new born dead baby with a targerian . I think ther was dead man , new life , and magic ie witch with targerian is needed for hatching an egg.

  3. Danny made two sacrifices precious to her , her child and the man she loved it could be that you must sacrifice something that is dear to you in order to hatch but that's two things she sacrificed unless it could've taken three sacrifices to hatch all three eggs idk what her third sacrifice is but that could be how it works sacrificing something you love as she did

  4. Dragons on Valarya and Dragonstone were probably incubated and hatched naturally by their mothers. Their mother would breathe hot flames on the eggs at the right time to aid the shell cracking. Once hatched the chicks would eat blood from a fresh kill. Putting an egg temporarily in the cradle was part of the bonding process, not the hatching process. Once the dragon gene pool was depleted, having healthy eggs and hatchlings was a problem. Dany incubated her eggs in the brazier nite and day. She had a blood Sacrefice of Drogo, her son, and Mari Maz Dur (blood for each dragon). It is the power of the dragons that kept Dany from burning to death. In the book, Dany was scorched, her hair and eyebrows gone, as well as all clothing.

  5. I get the fire and blood thing, but I think it's more complicated then that. 1) sacrifice of someone you love by fire, 2) sacrifice of an " enemy" by fire, 3) sacrifice of self by fire.
    Just my thoughts. It's possible too that the red comet is also an important factor. Sacrifice is a common theme in game of thrones mythology…. like how lightbringer was forged.

    I also think that it is for this reason specifically that Drogo was still " alive" VS the magic not working and him just dying. This way Dany can sacrifice the man she loves in order to hatch her dragons without the audience thinking she is a monster for doing so.

  6. I think it takes some connection between the hatcher and the hatchees, like in Eragon.  That would explain why the Targaryans put dragon eggs in the cradles with their babies and we all know how Dany treasured her eggs and spent so much time with them.  Plus it makes sense that dragon lore from books would influence lore in other books.

  7. There are a couple clues that stuck out to me. When Mirri maz Dur said "only death can pay for life", and the fact that the book is called "Blood and Fire". To me that means that in order for dragon eggs to hatch, somebody has to die in the fire, like Mirri was burned in Drogo's funeral pyre with the eggs, and out came the dragons. And the people that would have burned in Winterfell, while there were supposedly eggs underneath, and then Summer sees a dragon flying away from there. Just some food for thought there.

  8. Harpy your answer on how Dany can birth the dragons is the best i've seen. Like a lot of other GRR Martin mysteries I think there's a chance we might never get a reveal on how. We already know all that Danyraes knows about the dragons since Viserys told her all he knew (the proof is she remembers at the last minute, that "dragons and men are the only creatures that eat cooked meat", so deduces the dragons will only eat cooked meat). But as to exactly how the dragons are born, and how Dany knows to do what she does, is still a mystery. She just "KNOWS". And there are clues there might be other dragons in the world, as far as book 1. In a Bran POV chapter. In his first vision he sees "dargons stirring in Asshai". And again as you mention, he sees the form of a dragon over Winterfell through Summer's eyes. I hope we see more about dragon-lore in what's left of the story but so far there hasn't been very much.

  9. What about the Maegi in the pyre??? Tells us why you think Dany "wanted Maegi's life (not her screams)". She was singing too…also, Harpy, tell us about the shape of the funeral pyre for Drogo. It's VERY similar to the arrangement of uhh 'parts' from the wildling massacre in the first scene of the first episode.

  10. You didn't mention the fact that there were two living people who entered Drogo's funeral pyre. The witch was executed in the fire as well, and Dani told her she didn't want her screams, only her life. As many times as we've heard the words, "Only death can pay for life.", I can't help thinking the witch's life was a vital component of the magic needed to hatch the dragon eggs. Am I the only person to make this connection?


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