Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 Preview Video. Today I will be discussing one of the biggest secrets kept throughout Westeros. The truth about Jon Snow’s parents has been a hot debate for decades. Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 will reveal the truth about Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark’s relationship. We are going to find out Rhaegar and Lyanna were actually married which would make Jon Snow a legitimate Targaryen and rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Sam and Gilly will discover Rhaegar’s annulment to his first marriage and proof of his second marriage to Lyanna Stark. Bran Stark will have another Flashback and he will witness the Marriage between the two and he will another look hear Lyanna Stark whisper Jon Snow’s true name Aegon Targaryen. This revelation will be a game changer. Comment down below with all your thoughts about this topic. Thanks for watching!

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  1. You have to excuse my bad english, the kind of temper Jon Snows real parents have is also interesting.
    The Stark men are known for being mild-mannered, composedly and considerate. The opposite of the Targaryen, they are known for being impulsive, keen and fickle. attributes you could describe Ice and Fire with. In this case we have two individuals with the exact opposide characteristics.
    Rhaegar the mild-mannered, composedly and considerate one and Lyanna the impulsive, keen and fickle one. Their outcome Jon Snow a balanced mix of both, he is able to adjust to the situation he is confronted with. he fights keen if he has to and is mild-mannered if he can be.

  2. Hey, maybe somebody asked already, but there are too many comments 🙂 So anybody can tell me why Rheagar and Lyanna never announced their marriage? I understand the ceremony was in secret because they might have been scared of Robert's wrath, thou he was not a king yet that time. But after? To avoid or stop the the rebellion right in the forst moment? When they were already married and Lyanna was pregnant? I'm also sure Dorne noticed the first wife was neglected…

  3. IT makes sense. It actually clears the way for Daenarys and Jon to marry and rule together. Their son (if they have one) would be be uncontested. Now they have to get down to business and fight the white walkers.

  4. John Snow is so simple and true that he won't want the throne, but he will embrace his duty. Just as he become the King in the North. I feel pity for this character, because it was never about what he wanted. It always had been duty and shame over his head. Danny does what she wants, Sansa and Arya do what they want, Bran claims the 3eyed Raven as being him and refuses to be the king in the north, everyone else chose their destiny. Only John fights for what is good not for his will…

  5. WOW!!! I never put those elements together. I really liked how you presented this information in a very compelling manner. Over the years I have learned to pick up the little tidbits like the scene with Gilly and Sam, I just didn't put all of the pieces together.
    Sorry, this is the first time I have seen your blog but trust that I'll be watching again.

  6. 'Lightbringer is thought to be a sword made of LIVING FIRE' (Jon was brought back to life by fire). Rhaeger was Azor Ahai (reborn) > needed to forge a "hero's sword" (the prince that was promised), but fails with his other wife(or wives maybe) > on the 3rd try he tempers his "blade" by "stabbing" it through his wife's (Lyanna at that point) breast and using her blood (womb, dna, etc.), combining her soul with the steel (seed) of the "sword", creating Lightbringer (Jon Snow/Jaehaerys Targaryen).


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