Cersei’s Fate | HOW WILL SHE END? –
The Secret Of Valyria –
Three Headed Dragon –

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Syrio = Jaqen H’ghar = Faceless Man? –

Season 7 Predictions-
Part 1 :
Part2 :

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  1. now that I think about it just probably a really good chance that Howland Reed would know where it was too because of his connection with the men of the neck. it being his homeland. but also why wouldn't bran be able to see where it was if you can go back in time maybe Daenerys will hatch it.

  2. I think that he would leave it with the children of the forest and she was so connected to them and they were with him the whole time they would know where it is if it's not there with them

  3. So…Hopefully Bran will warg into Viserion?

    God I hope so. Before Drogon and/or Rhaegal have to fight him. I mean, I realize this is GoT…so I probably won't get the ending I want, but I don't want to lose any more dragons like THAT. We have to see King's Landing burn. With Jon and Dany riding together(on their own dragons of course).

  4. Not sure about pre-existing theories: I think that Night King is marching South to make sure Starks survive in Winterfell. And does that cause he knows that Cersei plans to gather a huge army, to kill remaining dragons and eventually to kill all Starks. And since Night King is Stark himself, he dosn't want this to happen. NG had plenty of chances to kill Jon but it didn't happen. And he got himself 1 dragon – only to destroy the wall and to get some advantage.
    Crazy me.

  5. At this point, it doesn't matter. Even if they found it tomorrow and Daenerys was able to hatch it… it'll be little more than a fire-breathing chicken come the end of the 8th season lol.

  6. dany will die from child birth
    john from wild fire
    euron from wild fire
    arya kills cercie with poison
    jamie from wild fire
    dany's daughter will be heir to iron throne
    dany's daughter name is liana targerian
    she will be the last dragon just like dany
    all dragons also die
    white walkers kills bran by stabing him with dragon glass in heart, he is next night king
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  7. Game of Thrones cringe theory:

    The prophecy states: The prince that was promised would be born "amidst salt and smoke" and pull a sword named Lightbringer from flames, which they would use to combat an impending darkness.

    Here's a theory. Jon and Daenary's ship will be attacked while they're fucking at sea. Azor Ahai will be born amidst salt(the sea) and smoke(their burning ship). Jon would only have to name his dick "Lightbringer"– and he'll pull the sword from the flames.*wink wink* Ya know what that means.

    Remember guys… I said it first.

  8. I am thinking Brandon Stark can see the past and what is happening in the present as the three eyed raven. When John comes back to Winterfell, he will find out about Brandon's ability and so will Daenerys and they might find more dragon eggs.

  9. This is the end of GOT, Dany wins the throne with all her dragons dead and only few friends left, then some one approaches her telling her they have something for her, something that king Baratheon himself tried to get rid of before he died. They bring her to a hidden chamber, or locked away area, where a single dragon egg lays, a red egg, the stolen Blackfyre egg, then it goes immediately to the credits.

  10. Euron lied about tossing the dragon egg into the sea. He used it to pay the Faceless men to kill his brother so he could come back and claim the Iron Islands. Jquen H'ghar now has the egg and is posing as a maester in training at the citadel, using Sam to get access to the restricted part of the library where there is a book specifically about dragons. How to raise them, train them, control them and ride them. Jquen is actually Rheagar Targaryen. I think there is a dragon we have yet to see and Rheagar will be it's rider. I think not only will this dragon be female but far more dangerous and bigger than even Balerion The Dread. H'ghar…..Hghar..add a few letters and you get??? Rheagar……..Rheagar is alive and well.

  11. I don't know the where about of the missing egg, but I do have another theory. I don't think Jon snow is who the rest of the world thinks he is. I think he is one of King Roberts bastard sons. I think the real son of Rhaegar and Lyanna is none other than Jaqen H'Ghar ( hence the silver streaked hair). I think Ned stark took the baby to the house of black and white where he could truly become "No One" and would never be found. I think he then put one of Roberts bastard sons in his place ( aka Jon snow, and hence black hair) and still passed him off as his own bastard. I think all this was done just in case the secret ever did get out, they ( king Robert or whoever) would still have the wrong child, if they tried to kill him. Does anyone else think this?


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