In many ways, Game Of Thrones turned out very similar to a traditional superhero comic book. The heroes gathered at Winterfell for a final battle against the Night King and his army of zombies in a climactic battle of good versus evil – with plenty of magic thrown in too.

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In other ways, however, the HBO fantasy drama was anything but a superhero story. Jon Snow, who had all the characteristics of a hero, was sidelined in the final season whereas Daenerys Targaryen went from feminist icon to Mad Queen. However, the characters of Game Of Thrones still have passionate fans who have re-imagined their heroes as potential comic-book counterparts. Here are ten GOT characters reimagined as superheroes.

10 Daenerys Targaryen as Jean Grey/The Phoenix

Daenerys Targaryen shares several similarities with X-Men’s Jean Grey. Both characters are immensely powerful – Daenerys is the Mother of Dragons and Jean is an omega level mutant – and they have erred between heroism and mass destruction.

Whilst possessed with the Phoenix Force, Jean’s powers are limitless and she is capable of unparalleled destruction. Daenerys’ mentality is similarly unstable in the controversial final season, with the Dragon Queen unleashing dragonfire on the residents of King’s Landing during “The Bells.”

9 Jon Snow as Cyclops

With Daenerys Targaryen as Jean Grey, it only makes sense to imagine Jon Snow as Cyclops. Jean and Cyclops are lovers and have been married in the comics and their romance is one of the most iconic relationships in Marvel Comics. Jon and Daenerys shared a similar love affair until the tragic events of the season finale.

Jon also shares several qualities with Scott Summers. They are both strong leaders who have had to make difficult decisions and always strive to do what is right and honorable.

8 Arya Stark as Mystique

Arya Stark initially shared some surprising similarities with Bruce Wayne. She was born into wealth as a member of House Stark before witnessing the brutal death of a parent and embarking on a dangerous training regime with mystical assassins. However, due to Arya’s Faceless abilities, there is no doubt that she would also make a brilliant Mystique.

X-Men’s Mystique can change her appearance at will and, thanks to the training she received at the House of Black and White, so can Arya. Both characters are skilled in combat with questionable moral codes.

7 Sansa Stark as Black Canary

Sansa Stark doesn’t have face-changing abilities like Arya or fire-breathing dragons like Daenerys. Instead, Sansa’s greatest weapon throughout the series is her mind and her words. She learned from Cersei and Littlefinger how to politically navigate social situations and how to manipulate others with her manners and language.

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As Sansa navigates dangerous situations verbally, it makes somewhat sense to re-imagine the Queen in the North as Black Canary. Dinah Lance’s ultrasonic scream is her biggest weapon and makes her a powerful force.

6 Brienne of Tarth as She-Hulk

Brienne of Tarth is ostracized in Game Of Thrones due to her size and appearance. Westeros is severely patriarchal and Brienne does not conform to traditional definitions of feminity. Although she is outcasted for this, Brienne uses her physique to her advantage and trains to become a knight of the Seven Kingdoms.

Brienne would make a brilliant She-Hulk. She has a muscular physique and exceptional skills in combat as well as Jennifer Walters’ good heart and sense of justice.

5 Bran Stark as Doctor Strange

Bran Stark’s powers are vaguely explained in Game Of Thrones. Bran is a warg and can inhabit the bodies of other animals and even people. After he becomes the new Three-Eyed Raven, he seemingly gains the power of omniscience and becomes a god-like figure before ascending the throne.

In the books, Bran’s magical abilities are more mystical and share similarities with Doctor Strange. Both characters wield powerful magic that can manipulate and effect time and there is psychedelic imagery in both narrative arcs.

4 The Hound as Wolverine

The Hound seemingly perished in the fourth season of Game Of Thrones. After a fight with Brienne of Tarth, a wounded Sandor asks Arya to kill him and she refuses. Fans are left thinking the Hound died off-screen until his return in season six’s “The Broken Man,” with the warrior returning from his presumed death.

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Sandor Clegane would be a brilliant Westerosi equivalent to Wolverine. Both are incredible fights who tear their enemies apart with claws and axes respectively, and the Hound’s character is surrounded by canine imagery.

3 Jaime Lannister as Hawkeye

Jaime Lannister was one of the greatest fighters in Westeros before he had his hand cut off in the third season of Game Of Thrones. The Kingslayer was made a knight as a teenager and is one of the youngest knights to ever join the Kingsguard. His combat skill, precision, and power made him one of the Seven Kingdoms’ most dangerous men.

Because of Jaime’s combat skills, he could be a Westerosi adaptation of Hawkeye. Clint Barton is also highly skilled in martial arts with exceptional archery skills. Both Jaime and Clint are also hugely motivated by their love for their family.

2 Tyrion Lannister as Professor X

Tyrion Lannister’s greatest weapon throughout Game Of Thrones is his mind. He is intelligent, quick-witted and good at manipulating other people. He acts as a semi-mentor whilst serving as Hand to Joffrey, Daenerys, and Bran, just as Professor Xavier leads the younger mutants at his school.

Professor X is a powerful telepath who can influence and manipulate other people with ease. Both he and Tyrion are incredibly smart and use their intellect as their biggest asset.

1 Cersei Lannister as Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy is more of a superpowered villain than a superhero, but it is hard to imagine Cersei Lannister in any role that isn’t antagonistic. The former Queen of Westeros was one of the most entertaining villains in the series and used her beauty to seduce and manipulate men like popular Batman villain Poison Ivy.

Cersei is selfish, vindictive and, in the books, obsessed with the fiery green power of wildfire. She and Ivy are both expert seductresses who are capable of murder, though they also have sympathetic qualities that endear fans to them.

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