The last couple of Game of Thrones episodes have had fairly uninspiring titles. “Eastwatch” had scenes at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. “Beyond the Wall” took place…beyond the Wall. It looks like things are getting more elaborate for the seventh and final episode of the season.

HBO has revealed the title of the season finale. It is…(insert drum roll)…”The Dragon and the Wolf.”

Obviously, the dragon refers to House Targaryen and the wolf refers to House Stark. This title follows in the footsteps of such episodes as season 1’s “The Wolf and the Lion” and season 4’s “The Lion and the Rose.” (And kind of “The Mountain and the Viper” although that referred to individuals rather than houses.)

Anyway, which dragons and which wolves does the title refer to? The only Targaryen in play is Daenerys, who will surely play an important role in the upcoming negotiations with Cersei Lannister. As for Starks, Sansa, Arya, and Jon Snow are all alive and kicking, even though Jon will be the first to tell you that he’s not a Stark.

Another intriguing possibility is that we’ll get more information on the union between Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon’s real parents. Gilly accidentally stumbled on proof of that back in “Eastwatch,” and you know the writers wouldn’t have dropped it in if it wasn’t going to come up again.

A final note: a good alternate title for this season’s “The Spoils of War” would have been “The Dragon and the Lion” but no use dwelling on that.

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