Welcome to the Traveller’s Guide to Westeros. This is the fourth in a five-part guide to King’s Landing. Other videos cover The Red Keep, The Great Sept and Flea Bottom.

In Deep Geek – Insight and debate about Game of Thrones and more.

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  1. This is interesting for a few reasons. If any building was going to be made with Valayrain fused black stone this would be it. And since Visyena was still alive it means the Targaryens lost this knowledge pretty early after the doom. Maybe fused stone is the only way a dome like this could survive for centuries without concrete (which they oddly don't seam to have in Westeros)

    Also The Valayrain Freehold was ruled over by 40 family's which could imply that the Dragon Pit, which you said could hold 40 dragons, is a copy of a similar ceremonial building from Old Valyaria. Maybe the Dragon stables for the Valayrain Senate? This would explain the massive scale and I think would go along with Magor's attitude, building a New Valyaria. Maybe?

  2. I like how laughably small the "Dragon Pit" is shown to be in the series. It is a blatant error that should have been fixed in post with CGI. I mean really Drogon covered how much of it as he landed?…And It was supposed to house 40 of those guys?…The entrance was supposed to be how wide?…Just one more missed detail from D&D.
    However the one detail that I had not considered until this video was the number of anticipated Dragons is odd. 40. More than what the Targ's brought to Dragonstone and 13 times the number Aegon had but still vastly short of the numbers that other great Valyrian houses could muster, according to The Dance of the Dragons and A World of Ice and Fire. One would have had to believe that the Pit was being built as an example of intimidating authority to house the generations of Dragons to come. Seems like he would have built to a Valyrian scale to solidify that domination of the five kingdoms he then ruled, and not settled for what he had to have known was a minor wing of dragons compared to great Valyrian houses. I dont know just a thought.


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