Welcome to the Traveller’s Guide to Westeros. This is the second in a five-part guide to King’s Landing. Later videos will cover the The Dragon Pit, The Great Sept and Flea Bottom.

In Deep Geek – Insight and debate about Game of Thrones and more.

This video may contain spoilers if you haven’t watched any of Game of Thrones yet.

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The World of Ice and Fire (official history of Westeros) –
A Song of Ice and Fire (all 5 books) –
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (all 3 Dunk and Egg stories) –
Lands of Ice and Fire (official Game of Thrones maps) –

Complete seasons 1-6 –
Season 6 –

Thanks for watching!

(all images are assumed to be public domain – please PM me if you would like a credit.)




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