This video went together pretty good. I think this will be a good series. Alfie Allen has Brilliantly portrayed Theon.



  1. Thank you,thank you ,thank you Daemon Blackfyre 2.0 for more of your awesome vids! 🙂 I check your channel every day, since I discovered it a few months ago. I binge watched on ALL your vids & delighted when you add new ones. I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms over the last couple of days after I finished your last series of vids & didn't find new ones yet. Then this morning- YAY new vids! okay,going to binge upon these now.

  2. @29:45 I get so pissed when I see this scene. That Theon and Rob would have been tough to beat. They would have made a great Batman and Robin pair. Theon's stupidity and cruel writers' robbed me of that story line.

  3. I know people always bring up Jaime, or the Hound – as Dynamic characters

    but i'd say theon easily is the most changed/dynamic


    yes he reverted to reek on season 7 ep 2, but i just love how alfie does it

    the dick, whore hungry asshole, awkward not sure were to fit in, to tortured reek, to now

    just brilliant.


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