Game of Thrones Season 8 must reveal who Azor Ahai is or if Azor Ahai even exists or existed! In this video we will discuss who the first nissa nissa was! Her identity may surprise you! The text gives us clues when we are told of the forging of lightbringer ! We will also decipher all of the legends of what ended the long night!

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Sources Used! ASOIAF Novels, HBO Series Game of Thrones, A **Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and A World of Ice and Fire.
**A Song of Ice and Fire
**Game of Thrones Season 6
**A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
**A World of Ice and Fire

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  1. Possessing the gift to warg, is there any viability to the theory that the Starks may also have partial descent from the Children of the Forest? If so, I believe we are looking at Bran or Jon as being potential new Nissa Nissa candidates.. There could be an argument that through the sacrifice of the CotF to allow Bran to escape from the NK in the cave, the sacrifice of NN has already been fulfilled and Bran may be AA come again or LB as the new Three Eyed Raven! Whatever the truth will be.. I hope it is something that won't be obvious and will blow our minds!

  2. Loved the Video, as lessened to you read the end of the story of Lightbringer it made me ask myself if that story was about how to make Valyrian Steel. Maybe in order to make Valyrian Steel, you have to use blood sacrifice or more specifically magical blood. that could be way Melisandre wants to use King's blood. (most likly this has been asked before.)

  3. What if lightbringer is not a sword but a dagger. When Sam was at the Citadel going through the book where he found that Dragonstone had a lot of dragon glass. The page before had a picture of the dagger that Arrya now has that Little Finger gave to Bran.

  4. Wonder whose gonna turn out to be nissa nissa in the present .. it is certainly more complicated then anticipated ..
    The theory of Lucifer aka light bringer and the whole compilation is certainly very interesting..
    Great work Gray…😁

  5. in my mind Jon is the hero from the rhoyne and Dany the woman with the monkey tail as for the song we have the COF and two horns one for ice (horn of joramun) and one for fire( dragonbinder) just thinking and a happy new year to all

  6. What role do you think Light Bringer will play now that the long night is one again coming? We saw it's power in one of the last episodes. It was awesome to see it being wielded. I wonder if it might end up with John Snow? Love your channel. You bring the great description and thoughts that are like store telling 😊👍💕🌹

  7. IF we consider that Bran is the NK then I think it would be cool and plausible if Meera took that sword she left Bloodraven cave with and we all forgotten about and drove it through Bran heart this forging Lightbrighter. This is Even cooler idea IF we consider that sword is Actually Dark Sister. Even if it wasn't and Meera still kills Bran to create it, that would be great. She needs More purpose than just an escort for the Scooby Gang and to drag Bran back to the Wall. It would be a good throwback to the ToJ in a way that HR was there to help Ned at the last minute when All hope seemed lost. Hmmm 🤔😂 oooh yeah that's something so GRRMy. Happy New Year 🔥🔥♥️🎆

  8. Great insight! Especially with the inclusion of Martin's tendencies of talking about legends/mythologies that apply to the ancient societies he bases things off of.

    I've never considered that Nissa Nissa might be a child of the forest, but it seems to make sense. I've been functioning under the idea that the Prince (you know the one) would drive their sword through the heart (poetically or otherwise) of their lover to forge Lightbringer. That could mean a lot. Just the death of the lover could mean enough. I'm still torn between Dany or Jon as the prince that was promised, leaning toward Dany because YES PLEASE, but I am, as I ever have been with ASoIaF and GoT, open to possibilities. Especially ones that are as good as this.

    I wonder, though, were this one true, how would it go down for someone to be R'hllor come again? The children are dead, or so we think. And R'hllor loved Nissa Nissa. Just curious as to folks' thoughts (including yours, if you have a minute). Thanks again for your videos. 😀

    Addendum: This is assuming the Prince and R'hllor are the same person, of course, which, in and of itself, could be wrong. And I realize that.

  9. i believe that mostly all lineage will be traced back to the east. the two curses that were invoked must destroy each other or the wheel will continue. you don't need a targaryan on the throne. that is the problem. they brung the curse from the east to face the curse from the north. also will you do a video on how the children reproduce. they are all women

  10. Im interpreting this different: Didn't someone call Tyrion a demon monkey? Could Dani be the woman with a moneys tail who deeds averted the long night? and the secret song be the lost song of ice and fire which Ragar would sing about his son but was lost in his death and in the hiding of John, the one true king of Westerous. John is a son and has hidden himself for a life time ashamed of the deed he believes his "dad" done causing him to be a bastard (ashamed of himself of being a bastard) and that disaster would only be averted by the deeds of the woman with a moneys tale (Dani with tyrion coming to Westerous)
    Love this video

  11. I have to think for this, you reminded me of an old thought I had so long ago before things got more complex in my head.

    It's the story of the two moons, and somewhat oddly, the story of Brightflame. I remember trying to work out what people might have seen and not understood.

    So for a second moon. At first you might imagine from the story that one of two moons eclipsed the sun. But the odd thing about that is when a moon goes in front of the sun you can't really see the moon. When we see a moon it's because we see the part that is lite by the sun. When the moon is between it would be impossible to see it. So if something were to eclipse the sun and they believed it to be the moon it might be reasonable for them to describe it as drinking or eating it. But the one aspect of a eclipse of this nature that doesn't seem to have much of a part in the story is the aura it would have during totality. During that time because that light is blocked people on the planet can see a ring that is the atmosphere of the sun. The possible explanation for this may be that people passing on the story did what my brain did, when they imagined it they saw a line along the face. But, the story does say in half. So if what the original teller had seen was the aura, they might have explained it as seam opening fully around and aura as it having eaten too much and bursting open. The crack was assumed but not actually seem.

    The reason this has trouble gaining traction is that at the end of the story an uncountable number of dragons seems to have come from it at the same time. That version wouldn't cause material that burned as it entered the planet's atmosphere. So it may be a blind ally. Unless the eclipse was a literal event used as inspiration for some one's folk tale explanation for where dragons came from.

    Now. Hopefully you've read this far because this part is something I think most people trying to do what people like us do. There are two fairly distinct lines that can in some very stretched ways be connected, but doing so requires less than naturally occurring chance.

    Natural evolution. GRRM has stated there have been dragons in the past, but true to form never really leaves you able to point at them being around before the children and men, or suddenly appearing having been created. The reason this is so important is because of the work of Septon Barth. His explanations seem far more logical and to be more accurate more often. But he considers it possible the Valyrians created them from wyverns and firewyrms. If true, from how I can see that logically, the Valyrian dragons might have been more correctly described as a second artificially created evolution. So in terms of family tree you might imagine a creature who's members began in the very far East and split creating a proto wyrm and proto dragon. And that perhaps when the seas were lower the wyrm version spread south along a line that was a land bridge or where there was less water between lands. The south version loosing fire or the east version gaining it later. The Valyrian dragons, if we accept Barth, created either in Valyria or Gogossos by rejoining the lines somehow.

    But I'd like you to consider and tell me what you think. Bran sees dragons stirring beneath the sunrise in far East. Now, this can be explained by GRRM being vague or by Bran only looking briefly and then looking somewhere else. But he says to Asshai. Not past it, nor around it. But "to Asshai [bts]..stirred" and while he doesn't say exclusively, I think the fact that it can be an easily assumed observation should be considered. They may only be there. That is only the second most interesting possible idea. It's interesting to consider they stirred beneath the sunrise. Were they waking or going to bed? I ask this question because you could see it as them hiding from the sun. And we should consider that according to twoiaf some places around there only get about an hour or two of sun. Most things would evolve nocturnal. Now I don't know that there is anywhere in the text that implies wether or not dragons like the sun. They like heat, but do they like the sun? I forward this thought because if they actually do avoid the sun, this is actually a behaviour they share with white walkers.

    We would assume they love the sun and flying. It makes sense. But what if they don't? On interview quote that sticks out is GRRM saying that there are always stories about dragon sightings, but the maesters dismiss them. Suspending the truth of them, if there are dragons, why are there not more and with them being obvious and everywhere if they exist at all? It's hard to imagine them afraid of humans, but a high intelligence might lend itself to safety. It's interesting as well to note that Grey Ghost was almost never seen and preferred fish. Sheepstealer was seen a little more, but as the name implies may have been known only because sheep were missing and may have been rarely seen. The really interesting one was Cannibal, and because he was singled out as possibly not being a Targaryan or Valyrian dragon. You get the impression that larger dragons in the wild eat smaller ones, as patchface put it, the big fish eat the little fish. And the last odd idea that occurs to me regarding the idea of separate lines of dragons is the doom. Trying to figure out why and how. It's curious we are left again with two ideas. That they controlled dragons by magic, and that they bonded and didn't need horns and such. To follow a logic path, dragons seem associated with magic. The question for Walkers and dragons is the same, do Dragons bring magic (Walkers the cold) or do the follow it or some how send it before themselves to make where they are going more suited to themselves. Valyrians loved money obviously, and it's fair to assume any peoples who have a society lead by merchants and wealth was inspired or connected to them literally or philosophically. Money can be made in a great deal of ways. Mining is useful, but the intensity with which they seemed to depend on it to my mind suggests it may have been more to gather more eggs to have more magic.

    Rhyonish tale says that with great effort they beat 3 dragons and the army with them. And then a totally ridiculous number of 300 showed up. Why is that silly? How would they have supported them? Three hundred dragons is going to eat you out of house and home. Meereen is worried about the expense of two baby dragons. How much food does a single Vhagar need in a day? How many humans would that be? If their dragon horn was broken or stolen, what would happen? What would 300 or more dragons do if there was no horn to cow them? With their skill and desire of magic it would make sense they would always want more dragons if dragons brought magic, and conversely if they wanted dragons but the number you could have depended on how much magic (the best way I can think to say is viewing magic like oxygen, do dragons need it to "he's the?") then a desire for more magic would be spurred to get more dragons. So, if you killed mages you'd have less magic. Of if they bring magic, if you kill the dragons do you remove magic? Or as implied earlier, could the whole system suddenly fly apart with the simple act of theft (dragon horn(s))? It's it one of any number of possibilities, but suppose the undying hired a faceless to bring them the horn. How long before the dragons gained their own freedom? A super explosion of the 14 flames sounds cool, but the ash and dust would be so huge the planet would be covered for at least a short time. The closest match I can see to what the world looks like now is that either because of a lack of magic or something else the land collapsed because of the amount of removed material below ground. It's hard to imagine humans could move that amount of dirt and rocks, but if the timeline is possibly accurate in 4 or 5 thousand years of intense mining perhaps they can. And since the flooding seems to have happened more around the Flames it follows the logic. Now if the horn (s) were lost to theft or flood, what would the dragons do? 300 dragons without a lot of love for humans that had been whipping them may just burn everything and fly somewhere else and avoid the area in the future.


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