Rhaegar Targaryen is arguably one of the most popular characters that we really don’t know much about. The circumstances revolving around his relationship with Lyanna Stark are still mysterious and misjudged to this day. Throughout the Game of Thrones Series we have only received hints about what actually happened between Rhaegar & Lyanna. In this video I go over some of the information we have thus far, which I believe to be the truth, that Rhaegar & Lyanna were actually in love with one another. Check out the video and comment down below with your opinion on this matter. I’d love to hear from you all. Thanks for watching!

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  1. Rhaegar and Lyanna fell in love at the tournament and had to run off together because she was promised to Robert Baratheon. She never wanted to marry Robert she told Ned because of all of his womanizing, plus he already had an illegimate daughter. When her and Rhaegar met at the tournament, It was love at first sight for both, and they had to sneak away to act on it. I think it will come out eventually that Rhaegar's wife Elia actually agreed to him taking another wife because she knew he wanted more children and she couldn't have anymore. She was from Dorne, where they have open marriages, relationships and lots of illegimate children which is not a big deal there as it is in other kingdoms. Rhaegar told her in the TV show flashback that he had to have three heads of the dragon right after she gave birth to his first son, and since that almost killed her, she knew she couldn't give him more. So basically I think it will come out that Elia agreed to it as well.

  2. Wait are we all missing a key point here? Takes 9months for a baby to be born. Soooo they was piping way before she was taking away and way before the war so theres no way he could have kidnapped her and raped her they loved each other.

  3. hmmm i just want to say…
    you said people will find out that jon does not have any claim to winterfell or the north so as to how sansa would react to hearing of his heritage, you forget that jon was a bastard to them and already had no claim at all but he was named king in the north

  4. Rhaegar was a legendary fighter so I don't believe Robert Baratheon beat him in battle fair and square. The clue is when Bran in a flashback saw his father Ned fighting Ser Arthur Dayne and Bran commented, "My father beat him." But then he was surprised when he saw Ned losing. "Did he?" said the Raven. "I know he did, I've heard this story a thousand times." It turns out the true story was that Howland Reed stabbed Dayne in the back as he was about to kill Ned. Could it be that Robert Baratheon also embellished his story how he beat Rhaegar?

  5. i think that jon is never going to be the prince who is promised but the one that will completely unify all of westros and if he marrys danaerys he could also unite essos with it as well. my theory is that he is going to be the second aegon the conqueror while both dany and sansa will be his queens (p.s- sansa is a simple theory i came up with, that's all

  6. I really hate rhaegar. Dude started a war by wanting a 14 year old side chick. Leaving his sick wife and children with his psycho dad. Some factors may have caused the war like the mad kings attitude or roberts pride. But the dude deserved roberts mace in the chest.

  7. Jon would still have a claim to winterfell because he is the only stark male left. Sure he is also a dragon but he is Lyana's son and Bran has abdicated his right so Jon is still King in the North and Lord of Winterfell


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