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  1. Nymira should actually be taller than ghost because in season one episode one thyion (I don't know how to spell his name) says," the runt of the litter that ones yours snow" give or take a few words.

  2. Spoiler I saw the second Episode!

    I believe it would add up perfectly to the "Arya is dead" theory. Think about it. If this in fact is Nymeria then maby she recognized Aryas face but the reason she was so aggressive is that she did realize it wasn't in fact Arya. Maybe not comprehending what happened she left her alive. Arya's (something along the lines of) "That wasn't you" would somehow fit this situation as it is what Nymeria would be thinking. What di you think?
    I really start to believe the Arya is dead theorie. Arya also telling Sansa she should kill all their allies because they may be unloyal to Jon also seems somehow unlikely for Arya as she would of course want Jon to have as many allies as possible and she should know that killing their leaders may not be the best way to cope. And then the way she is treating Sansa. She just seems kind of off…

  3. Please make a video explaining who holds the stormlands now? I have not read the books,only seen the show. It's not clear who holds the ancestral home of the Baratheon family now? It was hold by Renly & after he died it should pass on to Stannis and since he is also dead, so who is ruling the Stormborn? The citizens living in Stormborns now must have some ruler at least.

  4. Now that we know Aryas wolf is the leader of pack and their wolves mirror the stark children, who does Arya lead? Will she be on the throne or lead the starks or kings guard? I'm so excited and ready to see where her story leads. Maybe she finds Gendry who becomes a king or a lord and she finds her story either leading with him or actually becoming his lady! Oh so many possibilities!

  5. I think Arya saying "That's not you" was more in reference to everyone, a poetic answer to what the episode was about.

    Here's examples:

    Theon turning back to Wreak.
    Jon losing his temper.
    Dany being aggressive.
    Samwell breaking the rules of the Citadel.
    Nymeria turning her back on Arya.

  6. What if Jon snow is president snow from the hunger games?? Aha no but think about it what if the "war" is just a cover story for the white walkers taking over.. Mass destruction and death… The last of the living are forced to flee and go to a different country… Long shot I know ahaha


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