The Saviors surrender and Morgan confronts Jared and wants to kill him



  1. Morgan's got a hard-earned disorder. He's experiencing the pendulum effect- going from one extreme to another when the prior solutions fail him. He's not well or strong.

  2. Y'all are some cold people. I pray to God none of you are ever in charge of a war. Killing people when they surrender is straight up cold blood murder. The Saviors are people too, the fact they all surrendered means that not a single person had to die on either side. You don't kill those who surrenender, it's as simple as that. Thank God Jesus is keeping a level head, cause everyone else are some bloodthirsty motherfuckers.

  3. The fuckin nerve Jesus has to let these people live after that Saviors tricked him minutes ago…. by going as far as peeiing his pants voluntarely. He almost lost his life for trusting the Saviors, like always. These people, too many of em are full on brainwashed to take these risks in a post apocalyptic world where you are outnumbered by both the enemies AND the walkers. Sure, just a few of em might be good people. But the risk is way too big and Jesus will regret letting these live.

  4. WTF? Every time Rick's group gets a chance to kill the saviors they don't, this group is stupid. Many opportunities to kill Negan or the saviors are passed up. The saviors will probably get their guns again either way, they'll just hand them over.

  5. You know what i just realized. Walking dead is really good eith subliminal messages. Anyone else realize that the guy who opend the garage door was the only one wearing white while the others wore darker colors

  6. Im getting really sick of this pacifist bullshit! Every time someone says "No we have to keep him or her alive" all they are saying is "Let's get ourselves killed". This happened in season 3, this has happened in season 5, and it happened with Dwight in season 6 and so many others. No one follows any logic, they think everything is a fuckin fairy tail and fantasy and it's straight up bullshit. I swear if Negan doesnt die this season, I will stop following this damned franchise! No takebacks.


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