Let’s talk about top 5 dumb deaths from The Walking Dead!

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  1. I hated Andrea sooooo much. "EAT THEM ALL!!!!" but noooOOOooo. šŸ™ I wanted her to get bit back in S1 episode 4 or 5 when they stupidly stare into a campfire while ignoring the world around them, until a solo weaponless potty break , in which, the top 2 priorities are Ego/pride of "I think I can handle pooping without any help" and privacy of pooping, since they are back home on the block, not in a war zone with an active enemy, but they are. everyone at that "campfire" should have been taken out by that attack, it takes a special kind of stupid, a stupid that would make a retard scoff at how dumb these guys are, witnessing a action so far below them in intellect, that traditional words for thought failure all seem too intelligent. Dumb, stupid, Idiots, Idiotic, Moron, moronic, Dolt, Buffoon, Dim, And Duh all seem smarter than those characters.

  2. Rawrist, I love you. I agree with all of these. All of them were stupid deaths but I'm really not sure why Patrick got an honorable mention. He was sick. Maybe I'm forgetting something but I don't think there was anything he could do about that. I guess the stupid part was him wandering around at night while everyone was asleep, but the entire group was stupid like that. They should have been locking themselves in their cells every night so if one did die in their sleep they couldn't munch on the others.

  3. Beth's death literally made me quit the show. Not only was it stupid for all the reasons you mentioned, they also lowkey kinda made it feel like she was trying to save Noah? And then Noah dies like 4 eps later anyway? wasteful

  4. I agree with all these felt exactly the same about Tyrese, Sasha, and Beth and the dumb diabetic girl. The dumbest of all has to be Carl…. He got bit. Isn't this the kid that learned to defend himself against zombies as a youngin just to get some pudding? Guess they forgot that episode. He somehow gets careless and bitten? Since Season 1 it's been like the entire point of his existence to learn how to survive by killing both zombies and people and this is his death? This show is doo doo balls.

  5. I still would have listed Beth's as #1. Side note Rawr, I miss your weekly reviews :'( I know you probably got some stuff IRL going on but I look forward to the Return of Flash reviews and more comic stuff. You REALLY need to check out Dark Nights: Metal in the comics and make a few vids on those.

  6. Tyrese "The Babysitter" is still the most disappointing move the show has ever made. Not only is his character a bad ass in the comics. But,Ā Chad ColemanĀ is a legit badass. Soooooo, let's just have him baby sit the kids for 50% of his on screen time. His death should have been #1 on general principal. SMH.

  7. i think youre right about all of them actually. i found it agonizing to watch andrea die as i was yelling at her through the tv to hurry up and stop talking. oh and no death threats just mustache ride coupons lol

  8. I agree with everything you've said!
    Andrea's death to this day it's the stupidest shit, AMC and Kirkman allowed to happen, no seriously, why?!?
    And Sasha? Oh dear God, who are these writers???

  9. I don't think Patrick's death was that stupid part but i think it was dumb that they didn't and still don't plan for accidents/sudden death in middle of night. When they were at the prison they could have easily locked people in cells so if someone did kick it in the night people would be locked in or out.

  10. Is this video in honor of yet another cast member pulling a Glenn or is, this not to be named someone, bailing on this dumpster fire set on a train wreck of a show? Watching the mid season was like watching that kid's video of himself failing off a Chinese skyscraper. But really I would vote for Morales as the honorable mention due to; no one knowing who he was and they having to explain it in episode and then killing him immediately after that. I call shenanigans on this show, shenanigans.

  11. You're stunningly beautiful Rawrist.

    However…the creator said he'd ride this train until it dies. Something like 6 years ago. TWD has been garbage since season 2.

    Silent walkers?

  12. I agree with this list, but honorable mention for me goes to Noah. Noah, that kid who showed up in one season only to die very quickly in the next one. Noah, who's story was pointless and contributed nothing to the series. I mean, his death was grotesque, and pointless.


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