The Walking Dead vs Game of Thrones!

Alright what’s going on guys it’s Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be responding to all of the arguments in the channel in almost every video for like the last month, lol. This one will be comparing and talking about my 2 favorite series of all time AMC’s The Walking Dead and HBO’s Game of Thrones now that both have finished Season 6.

I hope you all enjoy the video and as always thanks for watching!

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  1. For me, I judge which series is better by how excited I am about a new episode. I'm always up at 2 in the morning (I live in england) watching Game of Thrones on a Monday morning, it's an event for me now. The Walking Dead… when I was watching it I think I usually got to the episode like, 3 days after it aired. I haven't finished season 7 yet so….

  2. At first I liked the walking dead dead and then after season 4 the show lost its charm then I stopped watching The walking dead after season 6 and then I started the watch the Game of thrones and now I like game of thrones way better then the walking dead game of thrones has not lost its charm yet and also the walking dead has stupid filler seasons while the game of thrones does not have filler seasons

  3. i watch/enjoy both.. but TWD isnt even on the same playing field. Enough said.
    Also if you dont want to be a 40 year old virgin your entire life i would think about getting rid of that TWD shrine.

  4. I love both shows, and I understand both shows perfectly, now allow me to explain why the walking dead is 999999x more shocking than game of thrones:
    game of thrones is a show all about rivalries between different medieval families where members constantly kill, battle, assasinate, backstab and betray each other for multiple reasons involving rivalries, and that's exactly what you see throughout the entire series. you don't know exactly who's going to kill who and specifically everything that will happen, but you already have an idea of everything that will happen right from the very beginning just knowing what the show's about. you know all along that there will be a whole bunch of people constantly killing each other. and all of the characters die in the same ways getting stabbed by swords, getting their throat slit, their heads chopped off ect. the same ways you ever see anyone die in anything medieval related and again you expect to see it right from the beginning.
    the walking dead however, it starts off as a zombie show where you assume every character will die getting eaten by zombies, but then in season 7, Glenn dies getting his head smashed into tiny little pieces with a barb wired baseball bat, which no one would ever have expected to see in the show or even in any zombie related story. plus so many other characters die in ways you never would've expected to see, eg lori dying from a c section while giving birth, hershal getting his head chopped off with a sword ect. the show is about people trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world, and there's so many deaths like this that you'd never expect to see.
    -game of thrones has always been very brutal right from the beginning. every season including season 1 is rated R18+ for high impact violence in my country, so again you know right from the very beginning that you'll see a whole bunch of brutally violent deaths and it's never had that moment where it stepped up and took a dramatic turn. but with the walking dead, seasons 1-5 are all rated MA15+ and only just have relatively strong violence, mostly just shooting zombies and people being stabbed and shot. season 6 was a tad bit more violent, and then BANG! right in the first scene of season 7, you witness a major character for a whole 7 years suffer the most brutally violent death in TV history which nearly made everyone sick, it took such a major step up in brutality and such a dark and unexpected turn.
    -the walking dead does a far better job at getting you emotionally bonded to the characters. you get to see every character all throughout every episode and get to know them like family, and then when any of them die you can't imagine what it would be like without them. in game of thrones, you only get to see each character for like 2 minutes per episode and it does an absolutely horrible job at getting you attached to them. before the red wedding, it was so rarely ever showing rob and catelyn stark and they got such little focus. it almost made you forget they even exist. and then after it happens: you know it'll still be the same since you hardly ever saw them anyway, and you didn't see them enough for you to care
    -in game of thrones, no one is safe. meaning there isn't one character that you feel is safe. every character is expected to die. in the walking dead, a lot of characters feel like they're safe for sure and the show is too scared to kill them, but then they end up being killed off. in season 1, they only just killed off really small background characters to trick you into thinking that's what the show does. but then in season 2, they killed the 2 strongest characters of the entire season. in game of thrones you know no one is safe all along. but in the walking dead, you're tricked into thinking a lot of characters are safe and then having them killed off.
    -game of thrones kills off characters way too often. it's always too expected, you basically go into every episode thinking "let's see who they'll kill off this time"
    the walking dead kills off characters a lot more rarely, and it always has this unnerving feeling where it could happen at any minute and it always catches you off guard.
    that's why the walking dead is so much more shocking in my opinion. I know a lot of pretentious got fans will try to deny it since the show is just so untouchable, but this is the straight truth right here

  5. Finally just binge watched GoT. Have been watching TWD since it started. GOT is soooooo much better. It's just consistently great. Every episode is interesting, and deaths are consistent with storyline. TWD is dear to my heart but inconsistent, character death are for show for ratings. Breaking bad is great but some episodes are boring, but it's great quality. GoT wins episodes.

  6. Who would win?

    Rick Grimes vs Jon Snow
    Daryl Dixon vs Tyrion Lannister
    Michonne vs Daenerys Targaryen
    Carl Grimes vs Bran Stark
    Maggie Greene vs Sansa Stark
    The Governor vs Joffrey Baratheon
    Gareth vs Ramsay Bolton (Snow)
    Negan vs Euron "Crow's Eye" Greyjoy
    Abraham Ford vs Sandor Clegane
    Enid vs Arya Stark

  7. Game of thrones for me. This is coming from a guy who loves both and probably managed to memorize the stuff on TWD more than GOT.

    GOT is just on another level.. it's like there are two mountains – one is a mountain with every TV show and one is a special no one else is in it mountain. TWD stands on top of the 1st mountain, above all tv shows (of this generation at least) and on the other mountain, GOT just sits on it's own at the very top with nothing beneath it because it is way more than a tv show.

    GOT never failed in it's seasons, and just the whole storytelling is very carefully produced and very carefully told. TWD has moments in where you are waiting for the biggest thing to happen, but then episode after episode after episodes of being dragged.

  8. Only people who say TWD is better than GOT, haven't watched all episodes of GOT. I didn't like fantasy that much either but GOT is the best show ever. It also has the Emmys to prove it.


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