The Laymen look back on the biggest news and memes of the week, including:

EA Ruins The New UFC With Lootboxes:

EA Says We Can’t Have A Pink Darth Vader???

Is there any reason to buy the new Destiny 2 DLC?

How Could Pokemon Go Have Killed 250 People Since Launch? (Baywatch Bewbs Special!)

Bungie Can’t Stop Lying To Its Dwindling Playerbase!

We Must Fight To Protect Net Neutrality- It Affects Us All!

Twitter: @laymengaming


Check out our other videos:

CD Project Red Roasts EA:

EA Fires Dev For Fighting Pay-2-Win:

Politicians Declare Star Wars Battlefront A Casino!

Destiny 2 Nerfing XP Gains for Microtransactions

Bungie Makes Huge (confusing) XP Changes:

A Look Back At The Memes That Won The War- Star Wars: Battlefront II In Review

Is ANTHEM already being punished?

A New Record For Lowest Review Score Ever – Star Wars Battlefront II Fallout Continues

Game of The Year To A Broken, Early Access Game? PUBG GOTY Triggers The Internet

Why Star Wars: Battlefront II is NOT Fixed (EA Tries Jedi Mind Tricks)

The Worst and Greediest Game of 2017:



  1. I get a notification and see that my favorite comedic news reporters have done it again! They posted another video! I eagerly read the title, hoping for some more of them chatting about whatever. At this point, I trust that they will always be able to provide something entertaining. I mean, they just did a collab with my favorite Destiny YouTuber!
    But… with all of my hope… with the buildup of anticipation… I see that this video is a recap. I've seen it all already. sigh

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not asking that you stop doing these. I just love your videos and I genuinely would love to see an increase in your production capacity. I'm too focused on your original videos to forget the great moments from them so soon. If you don't mind a suggestion from a random dude, maybe do a recap at the end of a month? You could maybe add another original video as a replacement for three of the recap videos?
    I get that you guys have other responsibilities too and I trust that you are doing your best to provide us with as much entertainment and valuable information as you can. Keep it up! Wherever you take this channel, I'm on board.

  2. So dictionaries are supposed to reflect the language that evovles and is currently used by the people, I give it 5 years until half of our vocabulary has the word "meme" as a prefix or suffix, what a time to be alive boys.

  3. As someone who doesn't play Pokemon go, nor care about it, I do care about placing blame in something that didn't do anything. Pokemon go isn't the problem, people being stupid is the problem. Put the phone down behind the wheel geez


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