Ashaya and Aziz are joined by guest BryndenBFish for this 3 part series on The Battle of Ice!

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Part 1 is dedicated to unraveling the complex political situation in the North. There are Houses with compelled loyalty secretly plotting revenge, while loyal armies face the winds of winter. Each house of note is discussed, as well as the key players.

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  1. Something is very wrong with the audio breaking up and toning/clipping together sounds. The video is also clippy, choppy. Should rerecord and up load because the content is good, just difficult to hear, required replays multiple times. thanks for making the video, Best regards

  2. John will ally with Dany to fight the Lannisters and when all of that is done and won the entire realm will come together possibly even with the free cities to battle the whitewalkers, who will have been growing the entire time into an immense undead army. Or maybe im wrong…. its happened before.

  3. I think it will go alot like the show. Stannis will lose the battle and his life. Likely Roose will also die. At the same time Jon gets legitimized and resurrected allowing him to leave the wall to put the northmen, wildlings and whatever is left of Stannis's army together and go take care of Ramsey. Around this time Dany will reach Westeros and it will be time to deal with the Lannisters.

  4. Me when show Stannis died: "Haha! Fuck you!"
    Me if book Stannis dies: [draws a sword of fire and hacks the Winds of Winter to pieces like Joffrey did to that book Tyrion gave him]

  5. This is pretty intelligent commentary, not the dull stuff so often on yt, we still have a long wait for WOW and i hope he goes way off the show. Since he already has – Stannis is still alive in the books, he didnt burn his daughter, etc. how is he/are they going to treat the reanimated jon snow, what exactly will he do? who knows? A dead man can only accomplish so much (sounds something like Dolorous Ed would say).

  6. Thanks for all you do. Humbly request you get these up on Stitcher! Itunes is no good for most of the world. Trying to keep a battery alive with Youtube running video is a nightmare.

  7. The fact that Stannis does not know of Manderly's true allegiance is very very worrying. G.R.R.M. has written whole stories (spoiler to referenced story) about allies accidentally slaughtering each-other.

    There were good/loyal Freys. They died suspiciously early on.


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