Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 8 Update video. I have two new updates today regarding the final season of Game of Thrones. It appears like they have made some significant changes to the Winterfell location. They have added crenellations to the walls which can only mean one thing. The Starks are preparing to defend the castle against an attack. Some casting news also came out this week. According to Marc Rissmann’s Agency he has signed on for the final season and it looks like he will be taking on the role of a mercenary. Leave all your questions and thoughts down below. Thanks again for watching!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

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  1. I'm really enjoying your videos so far, I've been watching GoT since season 7 came out so I can't say i'm here since the beginning of the series but i'm beginning with the books now and they actually add a lot of structure

  2. Still can't get into this show. Maybe this season will be the one. Every time I try by end of episode I want the time back I wasted. Hopefully 8th times a charm. Love the genre but show just doesn't click.

  3. RIP Roy Dotrice
    He will forever be Father from the TV series 'Beauty and the Beast" to me. George RR Martin was one of the writers for that show, so it's fitting his involvement in GOT and voicing the audiobooks.

  4. The Starks are ancient Valarians. The "hot springs" under Winterfell that feeds hot water throughout the castle is more than just a spring, and the collapsed portion of the crypt holds all these secrets.

  5. I really hope the golden company will turn around and support Aegon (Jon) and not Cersei. Cersei would then repeat Tyrion's phrase saying, "well we're fucked!" 😭

  6. The fuckin Castle is named "Winter Fell". It is where the Great War will occur. And where The Night King and Winter WILL fall!!!! The bigger question is, who will the casualties be. Seriously worried Jon and Tormund will die.

  7. That part with Jon talking the scene from the wall at the end of the season AND the white walker theme was some epic layering man, cheers, 👍 and shared


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