Game of Thrones has had a ton of mysteries, but perhaps the biggest one has been about one seemingly not-so-important character, Podrick. The story is that Podrick, portrayed by Daniel Portman, visited a pleasure-house, and the girls there were amazed by him. So the big question since then has been “What did Podrick do to those girls?” This mystery affected Daniel’s real life as well, bringing by some harassment from his fans. Read on!

Daniel Portman talks about Podrick, Season 8

The Squire was interviewed by Esquire recently, where he revealed a thing or to about how his character’s alleged reputation translated into getting groped in real life. He was asked the same question about Podrick’s secret, and he replied:

“A magician never reveals his secrets. If I fucking knew my life would be very different. I was 20 when that happened, so it was kind of like a kid in a candy shop. When you tell a 20-year-old actor, who’s sort of stumbled onto this big TV show, that all of a sudden you’re meant to be Casanova, people all over the world wonder whether or not it’s true. I would be lying if I said that that hadn’t been fun.” 

However, some fans apparently got too handsy and crossed the line, said Daniel with a grabbing hand gesture:

“I’ve been grabbed by so many… like the amount of like older, older women who are very…”

Portman was also asked how he responded to such a situation, to which he replied:

“What can you do? You know? Obviously tell them not to do it. It hasn’t happened for a while. In this day and age you’d think that people would be able to separate reality from fiction. I don’t want to say it comes with the territory, but, you know, people are crazy about it. It’s certainly not cool.”

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However, Portman also pointed out that the correlation with his character wasn’t the worst thing, hinting at Theon Greyjoy‘s fate:

“It’s really not a bad thing, to be tied to your character. Some guy had his dick cut off. Then you’ve got a guy who’s meant to be this fucking stallion, out of nowhere.”

Well, let’s hope the fans don’t ask Portman to sing every time they meet him now, because honestly, that seems like another one of Podrick’s many talents. What do you guys think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!



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