Fans of Westworld should know by now that nothing on that show is ever as it seems. Just try logging on to the theme park’s website, Delos Destinations, and you’ll understand what I mean. Last season, the artificial intelligence running the site would regularly freak out and give encoded messages to enterprising fans who could navigate binary code and were looking for clues on who was a host and who wasn’t. (Hint: Everyone’s a host…until they aren’t.)

That brings us to last week, when HBO dropped a new trailer for the show’s second season:

Fans pored over every detail of the trailer to see if they could suss out any hidden messages, and they did not come away empty-handed. In the beach scene where Delos Corp is setting up its base camp (about 20 seconds into the trailer), there’s a code stamped on the side of a crate — look in the lower right-hand corner:

That code takes you to a video of a commercial for Delos. At first, it seems innocuous, but then the glitches start happening. We see a partially built Dolores and a hulking unfinished host that seems to break its own neck. Oh, and let’s not forget the hosts or humans (because we really don’t know anything at this point) being used as railroad ties.

The commerical has since turned up on YouTube:

See? I told you it was disturbing.

Westworld season 2 premieres on April 22 on HBO.

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