Released at the beginning of July on Switch (and PS4) years after its PC release, CrossCode is probably THE indie game not to be missed on the Nintendo console, as long as you like the RPG.

In September 2018, CrossCode was released on PC and had a small success on Steam and at the same time joined a somewhat special club born in 2017 and which has continued to grow since. This club is one of these indie games that look awesome, but would rather do on our Nintendo Switch (yes, that’s a rather long club name). The Nintendo’s console has become a platform of choice for indies since its release in 2017, whether it’s to bring out the classics (Bastion, Undertale, etc.) or for newcomers and all the players who follow and play these little games have necessarily thought or said at one time or another “ It looks cool this game, but I will wait for the release on Switch ”. CrossCode falls into that category and clearly the two-year wait before it hit Nintendo’s console was worth it, even if it is. also available on PS4.

A perfect game for the Switch

A difficult start

When the game was released on July 9 on the eshop, it had major performance issues and navigating the in-game menus was a real torture, with a reaction time and freezes of several seconds. Fortunately, the Radical Fish Games studio released a few days ago a fix that makes it much easier to talk about the qualities of this game by putting aside this huge flaw which made him repulsive, and even unsavory. However, there are still some sound issues if you come back to the game after pausing your console, but it never lasts very long and it doesn’t detract from the gaming experience.

Immediate immersion

First of all, let’s talk about the plot. So we embody Léa, a CrossCode MMORPG player who saw her character corrupted and who is forced to start over to regain the memory of what may have caused this major bug. And to top it off, her communication system buggy and she can only express herself with very few words. On the program, leveling with side quests to access higher level areas, dungeons with a boss at the end, but also “raids”. Cities and even Explo Zones are full of NPCs who just run around and can’t interact with, reinforcing the impression that we are really in an MMORPG. In short, we are very quickly immersed in the universe which is rendered instantly very credible by this idea that there is a video game in the video game, whether it be through the atmosphere or funny dialogues.

NPCs in nature reinforces immersion
The in-game plot is as eye-catching as the out-of-game plot

But CrossCode is captivating in many other ways and we feel his many influences at every moment. Golden Sun in the exploration, the concept of a person locked in a video game popularized by Sword Art Online, a Secret of Mana combat system, dungeons reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda… In short, the game reassures us and puts us in a general structure and game mechanics that are familiar. It is around this comforting base that Radical Fish Games will build the rest of its universe, innovate a little and offer things extremely well done. Difficult not to be caught in the first minutes of the game and its meta side.

The dialogues are well written for their meta side

The art of the puzzle

Yes nothing is to be thrown in CrossCode, its strong point remains its puzzles. The level design of the different areas is excellent and just with a jump mechanic, offer not always obvious jumps puzzles that mean that there is always something to do, in addition to the fights and side quests. But it is especially in dungeons that Radical Fish Games has fun, with sometimes extremely complex puzzles which will require a lot of thought, using the abilities of Léa’s class: a spheromancer. It will often be a matter of hitting a switch with our spheres, with obstacles, objects to move or just tight timing. The exploration of the dungeons is a real joy and reminds us of the heyday of Zelda in 2D.

Dungeons offer great puzzles
Sometimes you have to think a little

Simple and complex combat at the same time

The combat system is also excellent, but remains more classic in its structure. So we have a skill tree with different branches for our orbs of fire, ice, etc. that you can switch to combat when you want. A health bar and an action bar and a special melee, ranged, guard and dodge skill. If the basic enemies are not surprising, the game will very quickly introduce a vulnerability and guard breaking system on some mobs, giving a very nice subtlety. Bosses are clearly not a piece of cake either, with several phases that are not always obvious and you will sometimes have to farm in the wild to make better stuff to get out of it more easily, like in an MMO.

The combat system is efficient
The skill tree is already seen

Of a graphically, CrossCode has a certain charm and puts us once again in a comfortable situation with a design and colors that are familiar to us. The atmosphere is a little childish but fits perfectly into what it offers. The village in the mountains gives off a real atmosphere with its Tibetan-style buildings, just like the city in the middle of the desert will have an oriental architecture. It’s also a flawless music side, very catchy and very easily stay in mind. Some characters have a rather anecdotal design but there is a certain talent to make these characters endearing through the dialogues. Be careful though, the game is only available in English and it is surely his biggest weak point to hope to conquer everyone.

A small village in Tibetan style
Cities really have their charm

What do we think?

If you are looking for a little game for the summer on your Switch, jump without any hesitation on CrossCode. This RPG is extremely well done, whether in its level design, its puzzles or its fights. The atmosphere is superb and the scenario hyper captivating, between what we do in game and the adventures we live with our allies in game, but also of the more general intrigue on the real origin of the corruption of our game data. The game is ideal for Nintendo’s console is an indie gaming experience you can’t miss. And if you are not a fan of the demat, a physical version of the game will be available very soon.



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