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As Lt. Commander Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Brent Spiner saved the Enterprise on more than one occasion, and allowed the show to explore ethical questions about just what it means to be an android in a world of humans. Despite being the least human of the cast, Data quickly became a fan-favorite character, all the way through the series’ 1994 finale and four subsequent films… but what happened to Spiner after Star Trek ended?

Independence Day | 0:26
Introducing Dorothy Dandridge | 0:54
Return to Star Trek | 1:25
Spiner on film | 1:59
Threshold | 3:11
Voice acting | 3:46
Fresh Hell | 4:33
Warehouse 13 | 5:09
Outcast | 5:41

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  1. This is about Brent Spiner and not Data. Let’s face it, he has enough money that he can be very selective about what projects he takes on I wasn’t familiar with Threshold and will try to watch that because of both Spiner and Dinklage.

  2. Not a mention of his best comedy acting role. You must remember Bob Wheeler in episodes of Night Court, his Hick town voice still haunts my every waking flashbacks. Dead pan humour played to perfection.

  3. I always wondered what would happen if out there some where hardcore Star Trek geek that was as also a skilled robotics expert builds a real android that looks and sounds exactly like Brent Spiner then sells it on the market and pays Brent royalties for using his likeness then through some accident one of the real life androids that looks like Brent becomes sentient and evil then tries to takeover the world?

    I would love to see the look on Brent’s face watching the news seeing recorded footage of a real life version of an android that looked like him turn evil declaring the machines will now overthrow Humanity?


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