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Syrio = Jaqen H’ghar = Faceless Man? –

Season 7 Predictions-
Part 1 :
Part2 :

Images and video from Game of Thrones are the property of their creators, used here under fair use.

Music: Song: Game of Thrones
Artist: Rameses B
Artist’s channel:



  1. A bigger question, I think, is why no one in power in Westeros hires the faceless men for murder anyone?
    Of course i couldn't be plot convenient, but if you have a big relatively known corporation of assassins that even a young simple actress, like the girl who wanted Lady Crane murdered can hire, why can't anybody else?

  2. I always wondered why they kept "questioning " grey worms "stuff" down there, and then kinda imply that they were able to be sexual.. i mean they act like its just … well without his "stuff" but what if grey worm is faceless man too , and still had his body and grey worms face!! so that would make a lot of sense why they spent so much time on grey worm and her "relationship" and how he could be Attracted to her in the first place????

  3. I hope to see more of Joaquin! Just who is he? The House of his Black & White is truly confusing! I am a Faithful Fan for the entire 7 seasons..I'm truly obsessed!! I find myself becoming part of the Game of Thrones fantasy..almost forgetting it is fantasy…The House of Black & White confuses me…more theories & explanations will truly be very helpful! THANK YOU👑👑👑


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