This Week in Twitter is a look at some of the week’s best and most entertaining tweets from Buckeyeland and beyond.

Somehow, YouTube has like three complete videos of the Rose Bowl parade, two “simulated” Rose Bowl games that someone made on their PS3, and the entire CFP Cotton Bowl, but for whatever reason the 2022 Rose Bowl cannot be found on the ‘Tubes in its entirety. Not that I’m advocating anything illegal and supremely helpful, like uploading a three hour video showcasing the entire game, but it’s a little surprising that it hasn’t been put out into the digital universe as of yet.

For now, I guess we’ll have to make do with Ohio State’s in-house highlights:

Pretty sweet! My favorite part was when Ohio State won the game.

Paul Keels is a legend. Yes, he takes some (occasionally warranted) lumps, but his buttery intonation is second to none.

THANOS RETURNS is typically bad news is most contexts, but here it absolutely is not.

Zed Key? Zed Key.

The Romans never had it this good. A five-way with hot sauce probably would’ve forestalled the collapse of their empire by at least a few hundred years.

Kind of wild, to be honest! You’d think that this would be a little more close, but nope! Buckeyes by a mile!

Sometimes you just need some weekend juice.

The dude who said this was a war hero/rancher/governor/boxer/U.S. President/explorer/guy-who-got-shot-in-the-chest-and-continued-to-give-a-speech-for-90-minutes’er. I don’t think I would’ve lasted five seconds in any of his arenas.


It’s hard but also kind of fun! Small piece of advice, ignore katakana completely (it’s totally worthless to learn) and work on hiragana and kanji.

I believe that this is said every year by every FIFA player, including myself.

Game of Thrones is more fun but Breaking Bad actually has an ending worth watching, so that.

If you can’t get lethal in comfort then maybe I just wasn’t meant to be lethal.

Damn you, squirrels!


The ultimate salve.

More tweets next week, see you then!



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