Thor Ragnarok deleted scenes and changes explained! Which scenes were changed in Thor Ragnarok and WHY? DOWNLOAD STARDUST HERE:
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Is Thor Ragnarok the funniest MCU movie? Is this the best movie for Thor, Hulk and Loki? How does Thor Ragnarok compare to the other great movies of the MCU, like Spider-Man: Homecoming and Doctor Strange?

THE NEED TO KNOW is a panel discussion show that catches you up on everything you need to know from this week in nerdy news, and once you’re caught up, we’ll even tell you a little more that most people don’t know.

Watch as Erik Voss, Filup Molina, Sam Bashor, and Maude Garrett all dive in!

REMINDER: To be featured on the show, submit questions and reactions to us on the Stardust app!
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SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON SUPPORTERS ( including these beautiful people:
Kelly Hopper
Kenny Smith
Matthew Salvas
Pony Stark
Wilhelmina Ebbeson
Elisabeth Hobbs
David Iaeger
Rose Bellandi
Eric Oliver
Chris Cole
Cole Callin
Chelsea Kerr
Holli Chandler
Ebony Lay
Edward Laau
TJ Smith
Stephen Bratcher
Lori Denning
Alan Fleming
Kristina Armstrong
Mike Kotselec
Peter Choi
Chloe de Sordi
Anatasof Wirapraja
Theodora Hobson

Executive Creative Director: Filup Molina
Executive Producer: Jeben Berg
Post Production Supervisor: Devin Cleary



  1. The lady was right. This was a fun movie, I went in expecting something totally different.

    The main reason I went was to see Hulk vs. Thor with no hammer. It answered the question of who wins, even though they cheated by increasing Thor's power level.

    Makes me wonder did they make Thor more powerful, because DC made Wonder Woman more powerful. I have never heard that Thor's hammer was made to damper his power.

    So does that mean Thor can now do (on his own) iall the things he did when he had the hammer

  2. Maybe we should be worried about Disney having a monopoly. Buying Fox wouldn't give them a media monpoly, but it would largely shift the balance. Its not like Disney would just stop there

  3. I think what would be awesome is seeing this from Hella's perspective. Going back to the first few Thor movies, Hella feels more inline with Loki's character who uses both strategy and raw power with Loki and Thor represent. She divided the Hero's; Thor vs Hella – obviously she's been through her growth phase and Thor is a rookie in her eyes, and Thor only has half the picture and she covers the other half of the picture dividing Hulk and the other three from the rest of the fight. She kind of has Loki's foresight which Thor gets the other half of his insight from Odin.

  4. I read somewhere that Valkyries role was originally going to be Sif and it was supposed to be a Sif and Thor romance, but since the actress couldn't do the movie they changed the role to Valkyrie

  5. considering I was expecting the hammer to break in an alley I thought when she first popped up they were going to have two fights, the one in the meadow and then the one where she breaks the hammer in NY so I was at least kind of surprised when it happened even though I had seen it happen

  6. Another outstanding panel. Loved Maude’s idea about a KOTOR trilogy. Your all great and extremely talented. please keep up the fantastic work I just created an account to subscribe to all your channels. Much love,

  7. This is a copy of the first movie
    Thor loses his hammer sent to another planet and has to learn to live on this planet without mjolnir get back to asgard to see that his sibling has taken over and must fight his sibling


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