Non-Spoiler VERY POSITIVE Thor Ragnarok Movie Review

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  1. This is the ONLY review I have seen. Kevin you made me want to see it all the more.
    I will see this film hopefully next week end.
    I like to wait until the crowds die down and then go to the earliest showing of the day….
    Nothing better than watching a film with other people that appreciate the film and are mature about it.
    In short they keep their mouths and phones shut.

  2. I am 99% sure that you won't lose any subs for creating content for more than one topic. On the opposite as a matter of fact. The only reason which would lead to you losing subscribers based off the GoT thingy, would be if you stopped creating those videos. Or well, at least that seems like a logical guess from my side. xD I just know that normally channels die because they become repetitive. This is however not the case with themed channels. However, where did harpy go? I thought he'd go on forever, but he hasn't uploaded for months. Putting all your eggs in one basket is risky you know, but the main reason is that you yourself might become bored with your role as a youtube creator which would make you care less about your videos which would make them less professional. Just do whatever you feel like doing. Continuity in the uploads is good for the youtube algorhitm, but the algorhitm is TOTALLY WORTHLESS and irrelevant. It all matters on the creator. You're making great videos, so you'll probably keep on growing.

  3. All the Marvel movies do at least one post credits scene that ties into the next film somehow. It's kind of a tradtion. It usually gets posted on YouTube if you missed it.
    Chris Hemsworth & a few of the other key actors playing recurring characters in the Asgardian Universe (Loki & Odin) were reportedly getting bored with the franchise & thinking of retiring. That's why this film was so different in tone from the 2 previous Thor movies. Chris Hemsworth wanted to branch out & do something different & Marvel/Disney let him. Your comparison to Guardians of the Galaxy is spot on. That was what they were going for. Glad you enjoyed it. Hoping to see it this weekend.

  4. Hey you mudder fookin mouth breather! Thanks for cracking me up! Yes you should continue making these review videos. I doubt you'll lose viewers, and if you do, they're prob a mouth breather so no loss. Please tell me that you put on the costume for the video and don't just wear it around the house…you didn't go to the movie in it did ya???

  5. From your reaction I will have to go see it! Your enthusiasm is so adorable! Not trying to be creepy since I'm an old Mom of boys. That's probably why I like movies like Deadpool, Marvel movies, Transformers, Guardians of the galaxy, etc. Also, I think Goldbloom always plays a crazy character! Thanks for the review!

  6. ahhhh, someone just wrote that the jokes were bad, and i was triggered thinking you were mocking me and blocked ya. i really enjoyed the humor (not the jokes per se, but there was a lot of subtle humor – such as "the ball") that cracked me up.

    if whoever wrote that sees this, i dunno. message someone so that i can unblock you. im a compulsive S.O.B. a lot of trolls on youtube, so im trigger happy with blocking. my bad!!! sincerely

  7. 😎😀Kev, omg, i love your energy😅 … 🤔 can I borrow some of it 😆 .. please do more reviews. Ha, ha "mouth breather" loving it, go ST. Awesome costume, … writing this and not yet done with the video….


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