1:01 – Thor Saves Box Office
11:41 – Nielsen Tracks Stranger Things Ratings – Same viewership as Game of Thrones finale?
19:49 – CBS Reboots the Twilight Zone (with Jordan Peele!)
23:50 – Fan Questions


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  1. I’m a huge fan of ALL the superhero films and television shows (animated and live-action); but Thor: Ragnarok was a HUGE miss for me.

    The humor was so repetitive, dry and forced. I was in a screening with about 40 people; and NOBODY was laughing during the film. I laughed only a couple of times and it was a bit forced. I’m not sure if it may be because they showed so much in the marketing. I generally see these movies in the theater 2-5 times; but this one is only getting 1 theatrical viewing. Part of me thinks that the only reason this one may be successful is because it’s so tied in to the other films of the greater MCU.

    I enjoyed the first Thor film the most in this franchise and enjoyed Thor: The Dark World more than Thor: Ragnarok.


    The upside is that now we’re only just less than 2 weeks from Justice League!


  2. You're only telling half of the story with the whole L.A. Times situation. Not only does Disney claim that they provided the Times with a lot of documentation and facts that they chose to ignore to create the narrative they wanted but even other media outlets are calling it a "hit piece." IF Disney is being honest, then it makes perfect sense for them to stop legitimizing them by inviting them to Disney press events. I know the story is more interesting and funny if you treat Disney like an evil empire but there is a lot to this story that you completely failed to address.

  3. Surprised by them not having seen Lawrence of Arabia. For anyone who hasn't, watch it. It's like Lotr + one of the historical Spielberg films + Shakespeare. Perfection. If you've enjoyed that One, see David Lean's other masterpiece, Bridge on the River Kwai

  4. I like the idea of a sci-fi anthology show coming back, but Twilight Zone was so singularly Serling's that whatever Peele does, however good it is, won't quite be Twilight Zone. I wish they would call it something else.

  5. Well people yes I haveth just returnethed from seeing Thor RAGNAROK and I shall now giveth thee my review (alright enuff with the Asgardian talk.) This movie in my opinion didn’t quite live up to all the hype it’s been getting. It wasn’t really bad but it wasn’t extremely good either. Solid B- is what it earned from me.

    Most of this has to do with director Taika Watiti. He is well known for his humor in movies and in my opinion he had NO place here, especially dealing with a film as important as Ragnarok which literally means: The destruction of the gods and all things in a final battle with evil powers. Hmmm, doesn’t sound too humorous to me. Now of course the story needs humor and some lighthearted scenes to round it out, otherwise you have DC and Batman Vs. Superman (sorry DC fans.) But too much humor drowns out the proper effect and impact a movie like this should have.

    The first 10 minute introduction felt like the whole film was going to be a comedy, somewhat making a mockery of what Marvel characters represent. Once the movie started gaining momentum with the action scenes it sort of evened out a little, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it fits among other films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe canon. The flow of it was uneven at best. It was comprised of comedy that makes you feel like you’re watching a Adam Sandler/Will Ferrell movie one minute and then the next you’re somehow into Dunkirk territory. Didn’t mesh well for me.
    But all that being said there were some awesome action sequences, Chris Hemsworth is actually pretty effective at delivering humorous lines, and Tom Hiddleston nailed his role to perfection yet again, but Hela the Goddess of Death was the one who really shined the most for me. Not only is Cate Blanchett sexy as hell(a), but she also kept true with her look to the comic books. And nobody is a bigger fan of Marvel than me so details like that are instantly recognizable. Which brings me to the other half of the things I found disenchanting about the way Ragnarok was done:

    Jeez, is it me or is Bruce Banner is looking more and MORE like Mark Ruffalo all the time?? Whatsa matter Mark, are they not paying you enough to dye your hair and shave your face to properly portray a Marvel character? You know you wouldn't look half bad if you did that! Joss Whedon’s Banner was closer to the comics except for the fact that Bruce has BROWN hair! I think these actors are getting a little too comfortable now and they know they can call the shots with what they want because they are SOOO in demand for these films continuity.

    Chris Hemsworth has expressed his discontentment with Thor's long hair because he always disliked the wig and now guess what? All chopped off! And in related news Scarlett Johansson is a natural blonde and viola… Black Widow will now be blonde in Infinity War. Mark Ruffalo loves his salt and pepper look in his everyday life and…. skippedy do dah…. now we get to see MARK RUFFALO in Ragnarok.
    Getting a bit lax at the Marvel studios are we? I mean I'm all for change but keep the characters looking like the characters! Don't change the Valkyrie who was a blonde norse warrior to Tessa Thompson. I mean she kills in this role, but it’s just not who the Valkyrie truly was! Create NEW characters if need be but please, please, PLEASE don't alter the old ones!

    And the Hulk finally got to talk (why oh why has it taken so long???), but where are all his famous comic book catch phrases like: “Hulk will SMASH!”, “Hulk is the STRONGEST one there is!!”, and “The madder Hulk gets, the STRONGER he gets!!!” These were said countless times in the comics yet they appear nowhere in the film. And although this is the closest the Hulk has gotten to his comic book counterpart, this still isn’t the complete Hulk I’m longing to see. And at this rate I don’t know if I ever will.

    Also where is Thor's surprise at the Hulk speaking?  Have any of the Avengers ever heard the Hulk talk previously?  And Banner's character seems to just be getting hokier.  It started in Avengers Age Of Ultron and the trend continues here.  But I guess that's en vogue now and becoming the norm for the direction of Marvel movies these days.

    So I know there’s those out there who will say “I’m too uptight” or “It doesn’t have to be like it was in the books” and all I have to say to that is… well there’s two of my tallest fingers who would like to do the talking for me! I grew up on Marvel and would like to see the movies (for the most part with a few minor changes) reflect the comics I knew and loved. As it stands the original Avengers film from 2012 most accurately nailed the characters and struck the balance of drama and humor just right. Thanks Joss Whedon!! Now hopefully the Russo bros. can get this whole train back on track for the monumental undertaking of Avengers: Infinity War.

  6. Wow for a company that had some shade going on in their own world maybe you shouldn’t throw stones! A business has to make a profit so you can’t curse Disney for doing everything they can to make a profit & continue to further their franchises & businesses. In a year of shitty box office for all films, you have to maximize where you can. Star Wars is that franchise. It’s all about choices in life – If a theatre chain doesn’t want to carry the film, then don’t! They can always turn a profit with the rest of the films out then. If this is a bad move for Disney, the marketplace will indicate that. Time will tell how this works out.

  7. Ok, how the movie pass possibly works. I did a short events management course about ten years ago and my tutor passed on one piece of information that I have never forgot. If you are managing an event, like a festival or a concert, you give people the opportunity to 'save' money by booking early and the price is then more expensive as you get closer to the date. In reality, if you book early, you are paying the price that the event organisers think they need in order to cover the event and they then penalise anyone who books later, simply to be able to cover the shortfall they might have from tickets not booked. For cinemas, be they chains or independent, they pay a certain amount to show the film, without any guarantee that they will fill those screenings, so if they offer an unlimited pass (or a reduced rate pass) they know that they have a regular, steady income coming from people who will want to use the pass (thus coming to the cinema more often and buying snacks, as well as recommending films to other people who may or may not have a movie pass). Only one of the chain cinemas in the UK offers an unlimited card (Cineworld) and it's the price of about two adult tickets per month for one person. It doesn't work at any other cinema chains so it also guarantees that customer's loyalty to that cinema chain. It's a big win for that cinema/cinema chain and it's a fantastic tool for anyone who enjoys watching films in a cinema. When I had my unlimited card it was my favourite thing in my wallet, even above my bank card and my driving license.

  8. I remember Forest Whittaker hosting a Twilight Zone series! There was an episode where a girl goes back in time and kills Hitler as a baby but then the household maid buys a baby from a poor Jewish woman and that baby grows up to be Hitler womp womp

  9. Harbor blvd. shops and restaurants in Anaheim CA have been living off the back of Disneyland for decades. The city of Anaheim and the La times are just hurting themselves don’t blame Disney for playing hard ball back them started it clearly in my opinion.


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