Me playing this excellent piano piece from ‘Final Fantasy VII Piano Collections’, based on the fighting theme from the classic playstation game ‘Final Fantasy VII’. Also features on the Final Fantasy – Advent Children movie.

Thanks for listening

Mark 🙂

Download the track:
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Spotify –

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  1. Listening to one of your pieces I was thinking "This resembles a Nobuo Uematsu piece, I wonder if he does any of them" Then I saw Gold saucer and was like "hmm", scaned through the list and went "OH MY GOD!! He's played those who fiiiight! >o<" Good choice my man. I've loved almost all of your videos 😀

  2. Really? Cool! Thank you very much 🙂 I only got to level 5 before I quit, 6 years ago. The fact that I am able to play the first page and a half fluently of a grade 8 piece is a huge moral boost! Thank you. Cannot emphasize enough how awesome your playing is.

  3. @bencarrel I will only play it at his tempo to be honest, just for the challenge and I tend to play pieces faster than I should most of the time anyway, the only problem I have will be the glissandos near the end sweeping down the piano to the lower notes…I simply cant perform them on my digital piano without damaging it, so I wont be doing them, just play the chords instead without the glissandos. The hardest part of the song (shock horor) is the end with the descending A major octaves

  4. @bencarrel I am learning that piece as it happens 🙂 its not much harder than this piece no, in fact its one of those pieces Jarrod has made look a lot more difficult than it actually is, try telling this to anyone other than a pianist and they dont believe you lol, but its true, his harry potter arrangement is much harder as it contains double glissandos etc.. not easy to pull off.

  5. ive just finished learning aeris theme and now im perfecting it, ive learned to zanarkand by sheet tho i can play it perfectly but this song is just to hard for me, those octaves are killing my wrists oh dont forget one winged angle .. that too is hard for me


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