In the world of Westeros, villains are ubiquitous. However, occasionally, a character emerges who surpasses expectations and captivates the audience. Such is Aegon, the troubled prince with a flair for drama and a heart of gold. Owing to Tom Glynn-Carney‘s exceptional performance, Aegon’s transformation from villain to vulnerable soul has enthralled viewers and left them yearning for more. And they have a lot to look forward to in Season 3.

Quick details:

  • Tom Glynn-Carney and Emma D’Arcy attended the Golden Globes 2025.
  • Glynn-Carney hasn’t received Season 3 scripts yet.
  • He promises House of the Dragon Season 3 will bring a new Aegon.

Tom Glynn-Carney hints at Aegon’s transformation

Aegon started as an immature teen in House of the Dragon. Trying to prove himself over and over, especially after becoming king, resulted badly for him. This will result in a massive change in his otherwise fun-loving character, as hinted by Tom Glynn-Carney in his red-carpet interview with CBS at the Golden Globes 2025,

“He’s on a new chapter. I think he’s a way more focused, driven version of Aegon that we’ve seen. I haven’t yet read the season 3 scripts, so it’s difficult to say what the writers have discussed, what they’ve decided on. I’m assured there’s a lot to come. I’ve had a little chat about the arc and how excited I should be about taking it on. I think we’ll see a different version of him, which is quite exciting.”

Westeros and volatility – a match made in heaven

The politics and its resultant conflicts are so common in Westeros, especially in Kings Landing, where the citizens witness a new king rise to the throne every couple of years. After what happened to Aegon, he will be full of a new resolve to sit on the Iron Throne and protect it. Tom Glynn-Carney said,

“We’ve seen how much he wants it, and how much he craves validation and a pat on the back from people. When he doesn’t get that, all hell breaks loose. It’s volatile, it’s up for grabs.”

READ NEXT: Eve Best hopes Rhaenys returns in flashback sequences in House of the Dragon

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