My thoughts on the season finale:

Top 10 Moments of Game of Thrones season 6

10 – Jon Snow, king in the North
9 – Arya Stark leaves Braavos
8 – Daenerys Targaryen, The Unburnt
7 – White walker origins
6 – Frey pie
5 – Daenerys heads for Westeros
4 – Burn them all
3 – Bastardbowl
2 – R+L=J
1 – Hodor, Hold the Door



  1. Totally agree with you on Hold The Door. For weeks afterwards I was mindfucked. Couldn't stop thinking about it for so long. One of the heaviest scenes in the entire series for sure.

  2. They didn't have Ghost in the bastard bowl because of CGI budget and it's expensive to have both Wunwun and Ghost. Also my problem with your number one pick is how the hell is Meera supposed to move Bran

  3. First of all great video and amazing channel, keep it up! Secondly, I'd just like to point out something you said on your number one pick, because just like you said, that scene stuck with me for awhile too, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Bran can't actually change the past, everything that Bran does in the past has already been done and led things being the way they are now, he is just fulfilling his destiny, when he interfered with the past his present time stood the same, that means that what he did, Bran from the past also did this in his time, a good example of this is Hodor, Hodor was already Hodor when Bran was born, that could only be if Hodor's mind from the present died when he was a kid holding the door for the Bran of the past, like the three eye raven said, "the story has already been written, the ink is already dry". There is a lot of theories regarding time travel and this was the path that G.R.R. Martin choose apparently, which is that you can't change the past. It's very difficult to explain this, sorry if it's confusing or if there's any grammatical errors, English is not my first language.

  4. When you said the last known. In the books there are still hundreds of giants beyond the wall. In the show, the two that are on mance rayders assault are Mag the Mighty and Dongo the Doomed (Dongo is a show only, mag was in the books) in the books mance has hundreds of giants…


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