Craziest Moments in Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6

This list is not in order of preference.
Game of Thrones: You Missed This! The Secrets in Eastwatch S7 E5 (No Spoilers)

GAME OF THRONES: 7 Things You Missed in Daenerys and Jon’s Scenes (S7E5)

GAME OF THRONES S7: 4 Clues You Must Watch Out For (Season 7 & 8)

Game of Thrones S7 E1 Breakdown: Filmmaker’s Guide: How to Structure A 1 hr TV Drama Episode (HBO)

Death is the Enemy (Season 7 Episode 6)



  1. On the topic of Sansa and Arya: I strongly believe that Arya is pushing her sister to show all her cards just as she did. Meaning she (Sansa) should come out with her truth because the truth gives you power which can truly set Sansa free from little finger's hold. I truly think Arya plays the game very well.

  2. When Beric and Jon are talking, Beric tells Jon he doesn't look like his dad and must take after his mother. Jon then goes on talking about Ned. I found this strange because it is mentioned throughout the series how much Jon resembles Ned, how he looks like a Stark. To me, this seemed to be a hint that Beric knows R+L=J. Beric is right, Jon doesn't look like his father and he does take after his mother, a Stark. Is it possible Beric knows and how?

  3. Tyrion is 100% correct. as far as anyone knows Dany is the only remaining Targaryen and, if she is barren, when she dies the entire realm will once again be plunged into civil war… UNLESS there is a clear and known line of succession. Its incredibly short-sighted of Dany not to realize this and plan for it – its as if she doesn't care what happens to the throne (or her people) as long as she gets to sit on it for a little while.

  4. The fatal flaw of little finger is his lust for power, he cannot fight so he plays chess but at the first opening he saw he tried to be a Knight for Sansa, only she doesn't believe in fairy tales anymore. Sansa asked Arya how she got the letter but Arya is too angry to see she's been played.

    It is not stupid at all. She sent her away because she knew that Brianne was a potential threat to Arya, little finger was going to use her. Sansa played the defenseless girl in front of him, he's going down.

  5. #7 Another Gem from the late Eddard Stark, "The Lone Wolf dies, BUT the PACK Survives." Remember the children's song Dollar, Dollar? Well, the Cat's Paw Dagger (dollar) has now passed into Sansa's hands (after another staged drama argument by the Stark sisters/actors}. Winterfell is the Wolves' Den and the milieu of the last surviving Stark Pack. Do you still think the Pack will let a mere Mockingbird destroy them (now that they've grown) just as he destroyed their parents and older brother (plus other Northerners by engineering the War of the 5 Kings)? Not this time, given Bran's abilities. The 3 Starks are on to Littlefinger. I think it's payback time. Winter is the Time of the Wolf after all.

  6. I… feel really stupid because I honestly did not make the connection with the stone and the ice no breaking. It makes sense, although the stone not breaking the ice doesn't mean the ice is already solid enough for the Whights to cross it, not only because the stone is obviously lighter than they are, but also because the stone only HIT the ice once and then SLID to their feet… sliding doesn't prove the ice is thick enough… I guess that's where my train of thought took me. Anyway, yes that was clearly what that moment was meant to communicate.

  7. Where the hell did they get that much Chain from. They just carry a few thousand feet of chain with them "just in case"! I don't know where they would get a few ships worth of Anchor chain North of the wall. Makes no sense. Took way to much liberty with this one. I suppose they have Navy divers who do down and hook the dragon up so they could salvage the beast. Come on guys. That's way over board. If they can swim they what's stopping them from just walking on the bottom of the ocean around the wall? BUllshit………..Of all the seasons I rarely call out anything as I enjoy the show so much but this was way too much BS for me to ignore. Makes the wall useless if they can swim and be agile enough to dive down and secure chain on a dragons head at the bottom of a lake..

  8. Unless the writers say "the lord of light" is responsible for Dany's pregnancy. There will be a ton of theories and discussions. I'm curious if Jon will introduce Dany to Ghost in Season 8?

  9. I don't think the writers have revealed it yet, but I suspect there is something in the Targaryen DNA that Dany can't reproduce unless it's with another Targaryen. In our world, it's the other way around. There's a higher risk of deformities from incest. Plus, we are disgusted by incest, but this is a fictional story.

  10. Such a predictable episode.Episode 4 was much better and way more epic. This episode was slow paced and rushed during battle scenes. Also the benjen scene was so trash like why would he save him just to die when he could also pass the wall.

  11. What I hope is happening with Arya and Sansa. Arya is being played by Littlefinger, and cares about Jon; she is intimidating Sansa just in case Sansa has any ideas of betraying Jon, Arya is scaring her straight. BUT Sansa has learned too much from Littlefinger, and she knows that he is playing Arya. Sansa sent Brienne away to take her off the chessboard so Littlefinger can't manipulate her into the conflict because of her oath. But just when things get tense, Sansa will reveal that she has been playing Littlefinger. Arya will be surprised that she was played by Littlefinger, and Sansa played the player. Arya will gain respect and admiration for Sansa. Team Stark will be formed: super-assassin Arya, super-commander Jon, super-seer Bran, and super-sneak Sansa.

  12. Really don't believe that Bran would let Sansa and Arya fight to the death. However much I really don't like Sansa, she is still a Stark. Little Finger will die next episode I can't wait for that one and Dany and Jon will get it on. Sweet. However If I were Tyrion and Dany I would Definitely set a trap for Cerci, Arya style!


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