I’ve done this video before. Here is the Newest Version:)



  1. The hound vs Tarth at the end is the greatest fight of the series, because both characters are so well developed and both characters want the same thing, which is, "What they think is best for Arya." To watch these two be forced into battle over a disagreement rather than join forces for Arya's sake is a tragedy. Thankfully *MASSIVE SPOILERS* DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE NOT UP TO DATE* The hound is not dead but very much alive wherever the hell he is. So maybe there will yet come a time where Brienne of Tarth and Sandor Clegane will fight alongside one another and I cannot wait to see that battle unfold.

  2. Watching this made me realize how few battles are won conventionally on this show:
    the honorable mention,#10,and #3 are won thanks to an outsider interfering
    #8,#4 and #1 aren't even won with actual weapons

  3. My number 1 wish from this show is to see what would happen between Ned and Jaime if that cunt didn't sucker stab him. Ned could of still lost, but the man deserved the honor of it. This is the one scene that I don't like. I hate this scene. Fuck I hate this scene. I would let the entire dothraki hord fuck Dany to have this scene back


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