Now that Season 6 of Game Of Thrones has just wrapped, lets take a look back at all the Epic Fight Scenes thus far, we’ve ranked our favorite from the show, here’s our Top 10 Game Of Thrones Fight Scenes.

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The List: “Top 10 Game Of Thrones Fight Scenes”

10. Khal Drogo Vs. Mago
9. Syrio Forel Vs. The Kingsguard
8. The Hound Vs. Beric Dondarrion
7. Jon Snow Vs. The White Walker
6. Bronn Vs. Ser Vardis Egan
5. Ned Stark Vs. Jaime Lannister
4. Red Viper Vs. The Mountain
3. Jon Snow Vs. Karl Tanner
2. Ned Stark Vs. Ser Arthur Dayne
1. Brienne Vs. The Hound

Top 10 Game Of Thrones Fight Scenes

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  1. After this weekend's episode, I think Arya vs Brienne is an automatic top10 🙂 I had just thought about my top 3 and I would put Brienne vs Hound first too, not because of the quality of the fight but because of the quality of the scene. It's like a fight taking place between the best non-knighted fighters in the Scottish Highlands, it can't get any more beautiful than that.

  2. This is a really long comment about why each of these fights suck as actual fights, and the one true undisputed best fight in game of thrones.

    10: you can't dodge a blade like that because you can change the direction of the blade mid swing very easily, if you want to kill the unarmed Khal, strike effectively, fast, and don't whoop around your whole body like a helicopters, even a mace you can bring back to strike again without bringing it around town like a morning star. Also, strike with the blade not he side of the blade.

    9: complete incompetent people who don't know how to faint or stop something mid swing. Or, you know, attack at the same time, they are so committed to telegraphing the attack and not changing their mind, that they hit each other.

    8: push blade forward and stab, every time they touch blades like it's fucking starwars they miss great opportunity to kill their opponent, I blame starwars for using this as a way to deliver dialogue, they are trying to kill each other right? They also swing slowly at each other's blades, and swing when, even if the opponent moved their sword away, it would still miss because of spacing. Are you trying to hit the sword and accomplish nothing? Then, he cuts through the sword? And the armor? Even leather armor can stop a sword, let alone one that just cut through steel, and whose blade is melted dull. It's as if the director said "the fight went on long enough, just have him cut through the sword and armor, no need to use skill"

    7: it's spinning too much to see what's going on, but clearly neither of them know spacing basics, hit the opponent not their blade. Supposedly an excuse about how they destroy each other's blade, they have to dodge every hit. Not much of a fight, but nobody does anything stupid, so I approve.

    6: once again spacing basics, and once again stab him when swords clash don't push him away. One person in this is clearly extremely incompetent and the other just doesn't want it to end right away. An armored sword fight in GoT is usually stupid because they attack each other as if they aren't armored, planning to have useless attacks, which are always blocked, until they land one useful attack, like "we know it makes no sense, and we could easily end the fight right away, but we won't even TRY to waste time with useful attacks like murderstrokes or going for the weak spots like the knee until a minute passes and we want the fight to end" Then he stands over his defeated opponent, and doesn't die? Ok.

    5: ok spinning camera, but good spacing, or not??? They look like they want to capitalize on each others openings sometimes, they strike the sword too often? It's inconsistent with its own logic, but they look like they are trying to have a good accurate fight, it's just poorly shot.

    4: holy shit the mountain is slow, and retarded, and striking at the glave.
    Oh, spinny spinny die die, that's cool. A lot of spinny spinny did die, before he stabs right through plate, and it Comes out the other side? What is this? Does the power of spinny spinny die die overcome all logic and protections? Look, if you think that's reasonable, take a knife from the kitchen and try to cut through the counter. Can't do it? Well a sword can't cut through armor, don't try it. Then the mountain doesn't capitalize on that hit he took to the knee where the blade is held there for like 2 seconds, then stand over your defeats opponent and lose, thank god, because you should of lost in the first place, when you tried to spin you should of been cut in half. The incompetence comes before the fight when he refuses to wear any armor because he likes to move. Armor doesn't slow you down, being retarded slows you down.

    3 daggers, really? Hold your sword in front of you, and stab, so many opportunities wasted by Snow, there's no way he could have been on the losing side of that, I don't care if the love child of Dwayne the rock Johnson and Hercules pumped himself full of steroids. If you are fighting with two daggers, and someone holds a sword in front of himself for the duration of the fight, a sword that is sharp enough to go through the padded armor you are wearing, the person with the daggers, CAN NOT strike the person with the sword, without throwing them. Spinning doesn't help, but he
    doesn't spin. So that's a plus

    2 holy shit slow attacking incompetent assholes, parrying blades to point at themselves, spinny spinny die die, blocking attacks behind himself without them thrusting to the back? For the sword to block like that, they would have to strike at a distance that would slightly miss, so in their mind "you know, I was going to strike the air around his back, but he put his sword in the way, and it would be rude to thrust" to be fair, he's wearing armor, either way the attack does nothing, you know what does do something? Flip the sword around and beat the guy to death with it! There's also Knocking away blades and shields by striking them, and a guy straight up drops his shield and leaves it. Then once again, Rob doesn't know how to fight armored opponents, (turn the sword around, everyone, your holding your blade wrong)

    1: 2 armored opponents fighting, nice, do they hold their swords backwards for a murder stroke? No, do they let the opponent get the sword stuck in the armor? No, do they strike mostly at head hight? No. they do throw bunches, cut aways don't let me see what's going on, but clearly about half of those parries wouldn't work.
    Then the hound grabs a sword really tight, and bleeds? Tell that story to the Knights in history who use the blade of their sword like handle to strike with the handle like it's blade. It's actually a really good tactic, and it's not stupid, heard of Skallgrim? YouTuber, there's a video where he plays tug of war over a sword holding the handle. If it doesn't move on your body in one way or another, it won't hurt you. Go try it with kitchen knifes. Anyway, then it's wrestle punch scene with too many cuts to see what's going on.

    My top pick, is the Jorah vs the blood rider, little cut always wide shots of the action for most of the fight, Jorah uses the range advantage, they both tried to capitalize on each others openings, though Jorah didn't need to parry those attacks, he just needed to strike diagonally with a distance advantage, and become completely invincible. The fight ends with a nice demonstration of the practicality of armor, and a murder stroke, it's also a call back to when he told the same blood rider earlier, historically correct statements like "a curved blade good for horse back" "when fighting armored opponents, the broad sword has the advantage (over a curved blade, not over a long sword or a hammer) and "armor keeps you alive" but also incorrect statements like "designed to puncture plate" and "armor makes you slow" I like the scene because an armored opponent wins BECAUSE they had armor on. Which is what usually happens.


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