Okay you Stannis Cult Members I don’t want to Hear It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( lol like thats gonna do any good!!! )



  1. I wasn't satisfied with Joffreys death. He may have suffered, but I wanted to see him sodomized, or get his tongue cut out after licking the mud off Tyrions boots. Something that would teach him an important lesson and shame him for the rest of his life. I blame his mother for his behave she's the one who let him become such a spoiled brat. You can't punish someone when they are six feet under the ground sleeping peacefully for all eternity. All he needed was a good ass whooping.

  2. For me Ramsay's death was more satisfying. I hated him so much, Joffrey was twisted sure, but after what Ramsay did to Theon Greyjoy, not to mention him raping Sansa whilst Theon was forced to watch, hunting a woman with his hounds, killing Jon's brother, killing his father and his mother in law and baby. Joffrey was universally hated by the whole kingdom, you could see his death coming, but it almost seemed as though Ramsay would get away scot free.

  3. i don't think Olly did something bad
    wildings killed his family how could he accept their coming and eating with them?
    that's why he killed Jon snow because he was the one who brought them in
    but off course it was not good idea to kill Jon but his hatred for Wildings was understandable


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