Join Tom, Sam, and Zee as they discuss their favorite games published in 2017!

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  1. Sam, I know people are talking a lot about how your tastes seem to have shifted recently, like your top 10 is not entirely Ameritrash :p I was wondering if you feel that, maybe at the same time as your tastes did shift, maybe there wasn't that many ground breaking Ameritrash released in the past year or so anyway? I ask because I also noticed from looking at my games played this year that I also had way more Euros/Abstracts played than last year (and I love it!) , but looking at the releases this year, I don't feel like I've missed anything major anyway..

  2. My Top 10 for 2017 would be
    10. Hot Shots
    9. Dragonfire
    8. Quest for El Dorado
    7. Bastion
    6. Hero Realms Ruins of Thandar
    5. Dungeon Draft
    4. Legacy of Dragonholt
    3. Aeon's End – War Eternal
    2. Aventuria Adventure Card Game
    1. Gloomhaven

  3. Awesome lists and Nice video guys! I Like that The viewers van see the game while you guys talk about it. Zee is right about Sam's digging though. Its a theme i noticed more with Sam's content. You dont have to apoligize so much man. You give your oppinion on The internet, that takes some balls, and its appreciated. If people complain about you 'not exactly Saying it right' or misinterpretating you, thats their problem. Great content, keep it up guys, you helped me out alot this year! Happy holidays and looking forward to 2018!

  4. I would love to see the "top ten games you would play with your wife/significant other". I'm always looking for games to play with my wife who isn't much of a gamer and would be interested in what you guys would put on that list. Just a thought

  5. I have not known what Season 2 of Pandemic was about, I haven't even read the back of the box or anything, and I was very disappointed in Tom for spoiling the main mechanism, which I have not known!!! The Dice Tower may have played through the game already, but most of us haven't even really had time to buy the game…

  6. I'm only through the 9s but Tom you should explain the games you pick. (Basic mechanics for instance)

    They may be popular but to those who haven't played (or heard of it) it's hard to figure out why they're good to you. Love the video and dynamic otherwise.


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