Welcome to another RealTimeStrategy Top Ten video. In this video Medic covers his top ten missing legendary lords. These are lords and ladies of the warhammer fantasy lore that could quite easily act as a factions legendary lord in future content. The video lists these lords and ladies in ranking order, whilst also giving some history and background to the characters. I hope you enjoy. If you disagree with this list, thats fine. Its just like, my opinon, man.

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  1. Another thing to mention about Grom is that he would be the only greenskin legendary lord to have regeneration. That´s the only reason he could ever grow so powerfull in the first place. One day during a eating contest he had been foolish enough to eat raw troll meat. During the next few months in what is referred to "da battle with da belly" the troll meat tried to regenerate within his stomach while he kept digesting it. Eventually he managed to not only absorb the meat but also its regenerative powers, not a small feat considering the the meat could have grown so large that he would just have exploded. Suddenly it was almost impossible to kill him as he would recover from even the most horrible wounds within minutes.

  2. Man I hope the Horned-Rat makes it in either as a Legendary Lord like Archon although unlikely or as an Event as an entity that would rise to bring the Vermin-Tide, like the Chaos invasion he would start small but if left uncheck can bring great destruction to the forces of good as his role would be to bring all the Skaven Clan together and take over the world of Warhammer. But of course this would not be as likely to happen as Thanquol and Ikit Claw are more likely to show up in Total War and if the End Times turns up as a Expansion for Total War Warhammer 3 The Horned Rat might become an event then as the Vermintide, but it would be nice to see him in Total War Warhammer 2 too.

  3. That part about Alariel… From what I've heard, it was a niece of Tyrion was which was captured by Mannfred, a capture which Teclis let happen. I was told that he captured her because he needed the blood of Aenarion and the three sacrifices that was made in order to resurrect Nagash was The Enchantress, this niece of Tyrion and Volkmar.

    Have I misunderstood something? Because it sure seems like I have.

  4. You had the part about Nagash´s resurrection incantation a bit wrong.
    It was not Allarielle that was captured and sacrificed, it was hers and Tyrions daughter, Aliathra (That part actually orchestrated by Teclis himself, surprising everyone).
    And it was not Balthazar Gelt from the empire that was sacrificed, it was Volkmar the Grimm and a third holy person, the Fey Enchantress.

  5. Honestly, if the Sisters of Twilight are included I'd hope/expect that they just make them a combined profile (like Skarsnik and Gobbla), with the option to mount up later on, and if they did start with a mount then it'd probably be an eagle, as that's how they worked in the TT too (you had to upgrade to the dragon).

  6. Meh… Only a three of ten Legendary Lords are for the races of TWW2, Valten's background you used are from Storm of Chaos, but not from The End Times for some reason. And you also messed up Allariel's lore with her daughter's lore.

  7. Kurt Helborg? Also, Ariel, come to think of her. I still find it slightly odd that the Wood Elves didn't have a caster LL. But, Ariel missing is still really weird to me, because my introduction to WHF was through Invasion, where she was the ONLY available WE Legend.


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