Popular Fan Theory about Sansa and Sandor called SanSan Theory

Worth nothing that Sansa still has Sandor’s cloak later in the books, and if I recall correctly, there is another scene where she covers herself in it while scared…(will update this description if/once I get to that part during this pre-season 7 reread)

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  1. Don't forget his promise .. if you come with me no one will ever hurt you, they wouldn't dare… Or something to that effect. I don't know what's going to happen, just that something is going to happen when they meet again.

  2. I wasn't on this ship…to be honest I didn't see it until I heard the audio book. I thought the hound just has a thing for helping people.
    * But the hound telling his story to sansa really puts them in another light. His burn is the worst thing that has happened to him, its his fear…his trauma..his weakness. Especially if you don't want her to tell it to people. Why tell her in the first place? He trusts her and wants her to know him.
    * Weirdly enough I can see sansa ending up with the hound now….or she will be his one happy memory before he dies. ….he deserves as much.
    * If you think about it sandor might be more simular to sansa then he looks. He got burned for playing with a toy knight and he doesn't like his brother being a knight. The lose of the believe in maidens and knights. Knights aren't real and no shallow maiden will date scary sandor. At their core they might be more simular. He is just warning her (and arya) cause his past was crap and he wants them save. He is constantly saving people at the risk of his own life. It will bite him in the ass one day…aka his good heart will get him killed.
    * Also sansa looks soft but she is stronger then she looks. The hound looks scary but he is a big old softy. And sansa 2.0 is burned as well..just on the inside. And she learned to not judge a book by its cover with the whole joffrey/littlefinger/ramsey thing. I wonder how sansa 2.0 will react to the hound now especially since he is fighting with jon and protected arya.
    * she lost her passive direwolf that wasn't acceptable in kingslanding but traded it in for a not so passive hound. Sandor kinda took the place of the direwolves for both stark girls.
    * Also she killed ramsey with his hounds. And her description of the hound describes sandor as well.

    Especially after everything sansa went through I can see her appreciating a loyal honest hound. Those 2 are actually a good fit. Sansa 2.0 is less shallow and more fearless. Sandor may not look it but he pretty much is what sansa wanted. I can see this ship happening. Especially cause I can't think of anyone else sansa could be with at this point…tyrion maybe but I doubt it.

  3. Sandor definitely kicked off Sansa'a sexual awaking. The night before she gets her first period (which marks her as a woman in the setting), she has a nightmare about the riot, only now one of her attackers stabs her in the abdomen with the Hound's sword. She was impaled by Sandor's sword…( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). When she's at Littlefinger's place she dreams of her and Tyrion's wedding night, then Tyrion turns into the Hound just as their about to get into it.

  4. I'm kind of hoping for Sansa and Sandor to be together. But not right away, of course bc she's a rape victim. Sandor should be the only man besides family she actually trusts. I think they'll be friends first, then lovers, but never marry

  5. 200 over k views? Wow! Please continue to post more Hound videos. You can see that they will be very well received. He's such a wonderful character. We need more content to tide us thru to 2019. Sigh.

    On a side note, once Dany's ship lands at White Harbour n the entourage travels up to Winterfell. Can you imagine the reunion of Sandor with both Stark girls? I'm a little pissed that D&D only inserted the part about Arya in the convo btw the Hound and Brienne. What about the Little Bird?

    If Tormund makes it back to Winterfell… I would like to see him to tease the Hound about "hating gingers" esp if he catches Sandor giving side glances to Sansa. It'll also be nice to see the Hound affirming Sansa's execution of Littlefinger and Ramsay.

    Ultimately… I do see him dying protecting the Stark girls.

  6. Team sansan all the way. Even more now with the end of season 7. The hound will head back to Winterfell with Jon, pledged to the north. His reunion with Sansa will be sweet. She will confess he's the only man who has ever been truthful to her and he will confess that he doesn't hate gingers. Jon will make him a lord in reward for service when the war ends and my hopes are for a union of the two once his status has been elevated. After the night king is defeated it will be a brave new world.

  7. I don't think lovers suits the whole thing right now. Though it can be possible. In a way she will be the one to knight him however i think he will die for her and thus he will get his song. Or if she is dying then she will sing to him as she dies.

  8. assuming that Gravedigger is true, which i think it is
    could Sansa be the one thing that could make him leave his new life of peace
    and could this possibly somehow tie into CleganeBowl (get hype!)

  9. Sandor & Arya are too much of a warrior. He will die fighting the great war, Sansa will end up with Gendry. Arya will be the maiden warrior. Jon and Dany happening. Tyrion betrays Dany. Jon left alone & sad, dies fighting the white walker. Cersei choked by Jaime. Etc etc fan fiction galore until 2019…..daaaammmnnn

  10. Well, it didn't happen, at least in this season. They didn't even meet. And since the relationships in show and book are very different I doubt this will ever happen.

  11. Whose yo say it can't be both? They briefly become lovers when they reunite in at Winterfell, possibly even make a child, before Sandor has to ride off to fight in the war, then later he dies protecting her because it's Game of Thrones.

  12. I would love for them to become a couple. They both deserve some happiness… However George doesn't write many happy endings because he sets his characters in a "realistic" fantasy world rather than a world where everyone is safe and happy. Sandor will probably die saving her life or fighting the dead army. Either way, those two together is a sweet story.

  13. In the books, possibly but not likely. In then show, never gunna fucking happen lol. There could be some sort of sacrifice maybe, but honestly the Sandor and Sansa relationship hasn't been a thing since like season 2 as clearly pointed out with all your examples.


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