Top 10 Saddest Death Scenes In Superhero Movies
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It wouldn’t be a superhero movie without a tragic death scene, and these are the ones that really choked us up! WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Saddest Superhero Death Scenes! But what till take the top spot on our list? Will it be Ben Parker in Spider-Man, Wolverine in Logan, or Bruce Wayne’s parents in Batman Begins? Watch to find out!

#10. Yondu Udonta
#9. Nina & Magda
#8. Jonathan Kent
#7. Rachel Dawes
#6. Doctor Octopus
#5. Steve Trevor
#4. Gwen Stacy
#3, #2, #1 ?

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  1. Wow… that ridiculous sloppy death of Pa kent is on the list but not even a honourable mention for professor x's death in logan?
    And the death of bruce's parents in BvS was more emotional than Batman Begins imo..

  2. I was I'm shock after watching Logan. If the rumars are true that the MCU are buying Xmen then the only Wolverine they should use is X23 Wolverine, because they cannot replace Hugh Jackmon

  3. Logan was the best when you take on the fact that we grew up alongside Hugh Jackman during his run as Wolverine. There has been a lot of Batmen and Supermen, but Logan and Tony Stark? only one.

  4. Not even an honorable mention for Wasp or Tony Stark's parents. The former is a major reason for the emotional tension between Hank and his daughter, and the truth behind the death of Tony's parents practically disassembles the Avengers!

  5. kinda pisses me off how out of all the people who should be dead in the MCU, the one dude they actually decide to kill off is Yondu. Was really looking forward to seeing Mary Poppins whistle some arrows in Infinity War.

    Also, can we take a moment to mention how fucked up Rachel’s death was? Not because of the way she died, but for one, she didnt get to finish her sentence. Two, Batman really chose his “not really” girlfriend over the justice and safety of Gotham. Harvey was suppose to be the savior of Gotham, yet Batman would rather save the girl who doesnt want to be with him. Thats cold, even to a guy like the Joker.

  6. I don't know why, but the biggest crying scene in Logan wasn't his actual death, as sad as that was, but it was when X23 turned his cross into an X. The death put tears in my eyes but the grave scene had the tears running hard.


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