Me and my brother broke down our top 10 saddest movie and tv deaths. Movies and tv has been a huge part of both of our lives. We have connected with various characters and have had them stolen from us. Yes, tv and movie deaths matter too. In the comment section let us know who we missed or if you agreed strongly with anyone on our list. RIP to the ones who have fallen! Here is our list
10. Agustus Waters- The Fault In Our Stars
9. Alison Argent- Teen Wolf
8. Lincoln- The 100
7. George O’Malley- Greys Anatomy
6. JT- Degrassi
5.Wes Gibbins- How To Get Away With Murder
4.Jack Dawson- Titanic
3.Rob Stark- Game Of Thrones
2. Suzy Salmon- The Lovely Bones
1. Glenn Rhee- The Walking Dead


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