Top 10 Shocking HBO Scenes
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HBO shows are known for pushing the boundaries, so the fact that these shocking scenes left viewers speechless says a lot. For this list, we’re focusing on controversial and unexpected moments from HBO’s most popular series, such as Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, The Leftovers, The Wire, Oz, Westworld and more. Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Shocking HBO Scenes.

#10. Bernard Lowe Reveal
#9. The Money Shot
#8. Gillian Seduces Jimmy
#7. Spooning
#6. Kevin Chooses Death
#5. Christopher’s Death
#4. The Beheading of Ned Stark
#3, #2 & #1: ????

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  1. How about that scene from cye where Larry’s in the bathroom, hiding a water bottle in his pants and that little girl hugs him, starts crying and screams “mommy mommy, that bald man is in the bathroom and there’s something hard in his pants!”

    Forget all this nonsense, THAT is the most shocking hbo moment in history. I’m pretty sure I almost evacuated into the back of my pants laughing the first time i saw that

  2. Ugh I knew I shouldn't have watched. I don't watch HBO the only ones I've watched is true blood and I just started GOT just finished the 4th season. I figured from the cover that only one GOT surprise was Neds death which I knew about..then I get to #1 and then I'm like oh crap.

  3. the wire was the real shit, big character death that came out of nowhere, that's how one of the most memorable deaths are made

    now look at the walking dead, imagine if omar had a shoot out with that kid for half an episode and then music intensifies and he finally dies after 30 minutes

  4. The red wedding is the most shocking tv moment of all time yet on watchmojo it doesn't even reach top 10 moments on HBO lol. Instead they show us the money shot which is obviously waayyyy more shocking

  5. This is poor, lazy work, Watch Mojo (Spoilers follow)! Your list seems like it was created by AI that knew nothing of HBO, the shows in question, or TV in general. For starters, mispronouncing Adriana La Cerva’s name (it is pronounced ‘serva’ not ‘kurva,’) is pure laziness – watching a single episode would have solved that problem for you.and not only did you not watch any Sopranos episodes, fans expected her to die because her multi-season story arc as an FBI informant could only go in one way. The way she was killed was surprising at the time, but no one was ‘shocked’ that she died. The deaths of Richie Aprile and Ralph were far more shocking than the ones you mentioned.

    Then you picked Jimmy and Gillian Darmody’s incest in Boardwalk Empire when Jimmy’s death – which happened only one episode later – was FAR more shocking. It happened in 2011 and it STILL surprises me that the show went in such a bold direction

    I don’t know who wrote this list, but it is awful, and far worse than that is how lazy it is.


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