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Believe it or not, there are some current dictators out there, who allegedly manipulate elections, silence the press, and stamp on civil liberties. Whether it’s someone like the president of the Phillippines Rodrigo Duterte, who calls himself a “dictator against evil,” Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, who’s been nicknamed “Europe’s last dictator,” or Equatorial Guinea’s Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who’s been accused of unspeakable crimes and human rights violations, and these are some of the worst dictatorships in the world today. WatchMojo counts down ten of the worst dictators currently in power.

If you’re interested in controversial world leaders, be sure to check out our other lists on the Top 10 Ruthless Dictators: Top 10 Insane Rulers in History: and Top 10 Good Policies By Infamous Leaders:

#10: Rodrigo Duterte – Republic of the Philippines
#9: Alexander Lukashenko – Belarus
#8: Ilham Aliyev – Azerbaijan
#7: Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo – Equatorial Guinea
#6: Robert Mugabe – Zimbabwe
#5: Isaias Afwerki – Eritrea
#4: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – Turkey
#3, #2 & #1???

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  1. Quienes son ustedes para desprestigiar a dichos lideres mundiales… ellos tendrán sus razones y circunstancias. pueden tener o no tener el apoyo de la gente, pero sin duda no creo que ustedes den una opinión objetiva… para criticar a otra nacion, primero comiencen con la suya (EEUU) que tienen a uno de los perores lideres mundiales…

  2. Where the fuck is Nicolas Maduro you know how shitty Venezuela is right now thanks to Chaves and now this fucker in his place? Raul Castro is another that tries to trick the world that Cuba is not piece of shit his brother created

  3. President Rodrigo Duterte is not a tyrannical dictator. What he is doing is eliminating the drugs in our country which the previous administration was not able to do or rather the y did not eliminate it because they receive money from drug lords. But President Duterte is cleaning our country of corrupt politivian and drug lords.

  4. The video even includes Xi Jinping, who has ruled the country for years with iron fists. However, some of the presidents in this video were elected by the majority of voters in their countries. I do not know much, but many of them are in a bad relationship with Western countries or just with the US I think they are in this video.

  5. Trump 2104!! Yee haw can't take my guns away! Respect the flag!!! See? I got the flag on the bottom of my shoes!!! You probably step on the flag and stand on it!! Commi fricken losers!!! Long live the Confederacy baby. Kill all them Jew nigger Asians!!! Yip yip yip yip here piggy piggy, Trump gon get ya!!


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