Best moments of 1-5 seasons.



  1. Where the fuck is Daenerys Stormborn of the house Targaryen, rightful heir to the iron throne, queen of the andals and the first men, khaleesi of the great grass sea, the unburnt, the breaker of chains, mother of dragons?
    Here are some suggestions:
    Season 1 episode 6 – a crown for a king (Viserys death scene)
    Season 1 episode 10 – birth of the dragons
    Season 3 episode 4 – Dracarys (Dany freeing the Unsullied)
    Season 3 episode 10 – Mhysa (The Yunkai slaves embracing Dany)
    Season 5 episode 8 – Breaking the wheel (Dany's conversation with Tyrion)
    Season 5 episode 9 – Dany riding Drogon
    Season 6 episode 4 – Dany burning the Khalasar
    Season 6 episode 10 – Winds of the Winter (Dany, Tyrion, Varys and Missandei sailing to Dragonstone)
    Season 7 episode 10 – Dany and Jon Snow incest love scene.

  2. Best show you can't create another show like this game of thrones always will be in our mind we enjoyed all moment wish we see all those actor and actress will acting in another new show we love them so much so sad when realize season 8 is the last of game of thrones 😌

  3. too mutch season 5 for top 15 moments… except for the watch scene TT
    also ned starks death and the red wedding needs to be even higher
    easily top defying moments in the series for me

  4. Each time I watch Ned Stark's death I can't help trying to figure out what he was whispering before he died. The last thing he felt was the presence of both his daughters, out of all the crowd he heard Sansa's voice and felt Arya's presence by the statue of Baelor.

  5. You missed some really good ones. Khal Drogo's speech. The Dragons had more than a few moments. Bronn had some great moments too. Bran Stark getting pushed out of the tower in season 1 was pretty critical. But, Khal Drogo's speech stands out. That was more powerful than Tyrion's, which you have #1.

  6. Only speech but these scenes are no less epic :.

    -When Tyrion mocks both Tullys by confessing absurdities.
    One on the most (and few) hilarious moments in GoT.

    -The Arya/Tywin scene : so much tension but also complicity !

    -When you play the game of thrones you win or you die, there is no middle ground" Cersei to Ned.

  7. all the feels. top 3 are definitely:

    I will be your champion
    tyrions trial
    jon snow – king of the north

    I remember literally standing and fist pumping after the viper told tyrion he would fight for him. what a build up.

    it's hard not to love tyrions speech. 'F you all!' lol.


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