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  1. I would LOVE to see Arya use the faces of Tommen, Joffrey, Myrcella, Tywin, Joanna, Ned, Robb, Cat, Robert, Margaery, and even Aerys to push Cersei into the abyss of insanity!!!

  2. This is more in the "fights I'd like to see happen" category, but I think Dario is going to show up at the right moment to save Dany when she's in some kind of immediate personal danger…. like with the Mountain? Bodyguard versus bodyguard? Would love to see Dario fight the Mountain.

  3. I dont know if anyone will see this comment or have an answer. Also spoilers for the end of season four.

    ; as i was re watching the series this weekend, at the end of season four when brianne wounds the hound, i dont understand why arya hates him so much to the point where she wont even mercy kill him. All he did the entire time was save her time and time and time again and tried to get her to her mother, then to her aunty, then going to her brother. I know it wasnt purely selfless because he wanted a reward but he saved her life so many times and in my opinion would not have survived without him.

    I have never read the books so maybe he is more abusive or something in them but i was wondering maybe ive missed something, is it purely because of him killing the butchers boy? He was under the kings orders and the kings at the time where psycho, if he didnt kill the butchers boy they probably would have him locked up for something ridiculous like treason.

    I giess what im trying to say is that by the time the hound dies, arya knows what the lanisters are like, she knows everyone is corrupt and even saw her father die because of it. I dont understand why she doesnt forgive him by that point in the story, which is supposed to be years later.

  4. I can't wait for Jaime too meet with Daenerys, Tyrion, Brienne and Bran. Jaime and Jon will be an amazing one. PS. I really hate the idea that Jaime dies for Jon. I prefer the idea that he dies for either Sansa or Bran.

    I'm waiting for Arya too meet Gendry, Melisandre and the hound again.

    Cannot wait for the hound and the mountain to meet. Brienne and the hound will be interesting.

    Cannot wait for Sansa and Arya to see each other again.

    Jon and Theon should be an interesting one. Jon and Sam is one I'm waiting for. Ps. can't wait for Theon to find out that Ramsay is dead.

    Low-key excited for Jorah and Daenerys to meet again.

    Imagine if hot pie comes back!

    Can't wait for Pod too see Tyrion and Bronn again.

    Lyanna and Jorah will definitely be one to see.

    Olenna and Cersei will be great. So will Varys and LF.

    Ps. Lyanna really annoys me when she calls her Sandra.

  5. I have to admit, Jaime and Jon is definitally not one I'd really consider as my top reunions, but I'd definitally be interested in it… while on the other hand gendry and arya is definitally one of my favorites – and I think you decided against them. Anyway I agree with pretty much everything else… And some I haven't thought about, but definitally sound like fun.

  6. Where's the most recent video you uploaded? Did it get taken down? I saw a notification and wanted to come back and watch it later but now I can't find it anymore. Love your vids btw!

  7. Great job on talking thrones. Very enjoyable colab with most of my favorite youtube hosts! The order of the Green hand, Bridge4, talking thrones, secrets of the citadel, are my top go to. Less than 24 hrs til premier time! Love QOT.🌹

  8. are these in order from good to best (#20 being a good reunion but #1 being the best)? if it is, I think Hound/Arya and Hound/Sansa should be switched, making Hound/Arya reunion #5. they spent more time together and have a genuine relationship and don't hate each other. Sansa knows Sandor and he was kind to her, but they didn't spend as much time together as Arya did with the Hound`

  9. Davos' practicality and focus on the Great War will see him very quickly working alongside Tyrion if it means getting Dany and her three fire nukes to fight the undead and ice demons. Plus does he even know Tyrion was responsible for the wildfire attack?

    I think if Euron tries the big member comment to Dany she will say, "Drogon, lunch time."

    A girl needs to meet up with Gendry again so that he won't reject her being his family when she asks a second time since he now knows he has noble blood just like her.

    Lyanna Mormont would be awesome even if she was muttering to herself!

    Varys vs Qyburn? Yah, we would finally see Qyburn die! 😛

    The Sam telling the story thing doesn't work as there are too many events in the story that he'd have no clue about and I don't want us to have seen it all and then find out the "unreliable narrator" trope is in play so we cannot tell what was true and what was false. As for Bran filling it all in, for me that would be going over the top.

  10. My most anticipated meet ups are:

    Sandor with everyone in The North. Jon, Sansa, Arya, Brianne, LF, and most specially, Tormund lol

    Tyrion with Jon too. I'd love to see Tyrion's reactiom whwn he sees that the boy he talked with, is now a King. Definetly Tyrion will say some funny quip though.

    Jaime and Brann. I'd love to see whar Brann will say to Jaime now that Brann remembers. Also Brann with everyone. Specially him knowing Jon's true identity. How will he say it? But most specially, Brann with Howland. And Howland with Jon.

    Jon and Cersei. I know everyone thinks that this line from Jon in the trailer: "Our families have fought alongside each other for centuries, despite their differences" is being said to Danny. But something tells me, he is saying it to Cersei. Something tells me he is trying to get her to his side, since the long night is upon them. And that's why he is probably beyond the wall again. To try and bring a wight as evidence. Yes, I do believe Danny and Jon will meet. But I am looking foward to Jon meeting with Cersei, and Cersei being stupid enough to not want to unite. Either way, her army is gonna get shattered by the unsullied and dothraki. And Dragons of course.

    Gendry with anyone. I just one that bastard to return. lol

    Last but not least. Danny and Jaime. I think something interesting is gonna happen between those two. I know she hates Lanniaters, ans specially him si ce he killed her father. But Idk, something tells me that he'll redeem himself, and he might be the marriage Danny arranges.
    No, I do not think Jon will want to marry Danny when he learns she is his aunt. He may habe targ blood, but he was raised by Starks. Where you know, incest is shunned upon.

  11. lyana mormont didn't call her sander. she called her sansa. it's the accent. if you ever listen to the Roy doltrice read audiobooks, he has several characters pronounce her name that way.

  12. I think CleganeBowl happens in Episode 7 this season, after Sandor gets evacuated from north of the wall along with several others from Jon's 12 companions there, plus an ice wight. It happens at the Dragon Pit in King's Landing, and CleganeBowl is a *trial by combat*. Sandor defeats Gregor, with the result that *Cersei joins Team DanyJon*! (Or at least claims to.)


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