We couldn’t resist exploring some of the best fights in Westeros. John MacClay, owner and co-founder of Vanaheim Studios and Iron Shield Arms tells us why these are 3 of the most Brutal fights in Game of Thrones.

3. Syrio Forel vs. Meryn Trant
2. Jon Snow vs. Karl Tanner
1. The Hound & Arya vs. Lannisters

Season 6 of Game of Thrones is here! Join us every Sunday right afterward on The Small Council: A Game Of Thrones Aftershow

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Special Thanks to Vanahem Studios & Iron Shield Arms



  1. You picked some pretty good fights, but I'm just assuming you didn't want to pick any of the obvious ones. Most people would probably pick the Mountain and the Viper, or Brienne and the Hound, or my favorite, Bronn v. Sir Vardis. P.S…why, why, why wouldn't Syrio just pick up one of the real swords after putting those guards on their backs?! And why would the First Sword of Bravos go anywhere without his actual sword?!


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