This video we list the top 5 craziest Game of Thrones/ASOIAF theories I’ve heard.

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  1. if varamyr six-skins couldnt warg into a human i doubt robb could do it, you could argue that stark blood may just be more powerful then varamyr's, but at least varamyr was a trained and experienced skinchanger, and since he was able to force haggon, his own mentor out of his wolf, i think its safe to assume varamyr is one of the most powerful skinchangers we've seen. non of the starks, besides bran obviously and maybe arya, are even aware of their ability and have no training in controlling it and no mentor like bloodraven or haggon to show them the ropes, and we saw in varamyr's chapter how difficult it is to warg into a human, whole thing sounds like wishful thinking to me

  2. theories 1-4 are very crazy, but number five with Lady Stoneheart would be superbly touching. Catelyn with a heart of stone would do the most humane thing she has ever done: resurrecting Ned´s bastard she has always hated by sacrificing her own "life". Jeez, that´b be intense

  3. Another clue that Mance might be Rhaegar Targaryen is when Jon first meets him in the Wildling camp. Mance talked about his reason leaving the Night's Watch was because of this cloak he has and didn't want to abandon. The cloak's color's were red and black, obviously the Targaryen colors. He told Jon that he got the cloak off of a old women who nursed him back to health when he was scouting beyond the wall, but that sounds like an odd reason to keep a cloak. Immediately made me wonder when I read that passage in the books. It is in A Storm of Swords: book one.

  4. I could buy the Baelish thing. He's all fucked up from his up bringing and he supposedly wants to manipulate his way to the top just to be kind of the 7. But the problem with that is he is smart enough to know that this kind of power is fleeting.
    there's a moment when he's talking to Arya and he said
    " do you think you know what I want? " she said "I do know" and he said "do you???????? "
    And as the audience were left thinking oh is it a piece of ass off the daughter of the women he loved or just manipulating his way to the Iron throne.
    But there was a Wayne smiled that was way more evil than his usual super cup smile.
    and I thought we'll what he really wants is a society suicide. to tear it all down.
    But I could see him not just wanting society to tear apart but the human race to be snuffed out.
    We know dudes like Castor worked with them. though seemingly for his own survival. But it shows that humans do have communication with the others. Hmmmmm
    I like.

  5. Gendry set off west from Dragonstone which places him in the Stormlands as heir to Storms End playing the "Edric" character from the books. Future prediction, He marries Sansa restoring the Stark / Baratheon alliance and fulfilling in principal the Robert / Lianna betrothal. This also makes Gendry Aria's big brother in name as he was in practice in season 2. What do you guys think?

  6. One thing id love. Is that if Walder sticks around a little longer. He may go senial. Id love it if they done like him seeing Robb haunting him. But with Greywinds head still on. Then it gets to the point his children are thinking they should put him out his misery. But of course he'll have enough pull to keep himself safe. Because when he does die it will be a mini civil war between his children. I think in books he even said it himself that it will happen. I think there is one good Frey. I forget him name. But hes the total opisite of his Family. I think hes even looked down upon by his family because hes…. well… good?

  7. I think Lyana wanted to escape her marridge to Robert so when Rhaegar gave her the flowers, she fell in love with Rhaegar, she fled winterfell with Rhaegar, had Jon Snow. But died giving birth to him she told Nedd the truth that she loved Rhaegar asked him to protect Jon and keep her secret

  8. Fan theories are always so clichéd and far fetched that it makes me appreciate GRRM's work so much more, it makes you realize how awful ASOIAF could be if it was in the hands of a less talented storyteller.

  9. My theory is that Robert Borathien is Jon Snow's father. The dark hair and brown eyes. How am I the only one who came to this conclusion? I know Robert and Lyanna were not married yet, you know Robert was persistent in trying to get in those panties. She gave it up to Robert before falling in love with Rhygarr. She then thought her child was Rhygarr's so to protect him from Robert she made Eddard promise to lie about his parentage.

  10. I dont understand why people dont take the Rat Cook = Walder Frey one step further. The Rat Cook could only eat his own young, and Walder Frey lives with a lot of his descendants, come siege time he will have plenty of food.

  11. well i've been looking at the balish scheme form every fucking angle and the reason people are suggesting that is because balish has been doing very specific things in front of the heart trees and feeding the three eyed raven and anyone connected to the weirwood net bad info through placed events in the godswood. Also he is preparing for an invasion for someone one but all the possible people who would invade little finger has undermined , Danny , Agon, Stannis. He seems to be against them all. The biggest reason is no one knows wtf his game is. People may see his next move but not any further. He is unpredictable and so people think he might just be evil because hes making the realm weak and soft for invasion

  12. I've had some crazy theories myself.
    back when I finished adwd the line everything went cold set me off on Jon becoming a wight or white walker. my logic was Martin had sprinkled hints that the others where possibly more than just undead monsters and having the fan favorite hero become one and explore their society seemed like an obvious way to go.

    about two months ago a new crazier theory popped in my head.

    the pov narratives we read are not through the eyes of each respective character, but through the eyes of just one character….Bran.

    Bran was the first pov of the series. Possibly establishing that he was the most important of the characters.

    Then he went on a spiritual journey to find his powers and then trained those powers to become the most powerful greenseer ever.

    It was established that people can warging into creatures, but people couldn't warging into humans because their will wasn't strong enough to overcome their vessels will.

    Those people didn't have a Hodor. Those people weren't a thoughtless abusive child.

    Bran would continually force himself into Hodor. Now he is the only or one of the few people ever that can possess people.

    that was before he ate up jojen and became stronger.

    that was before he was seeing past events using the weirwood.

    Oh shit seeing past events with the weirwood?! fucking consciousness time travel.

    now the kid that knows no lines and mind rapes whatever he wants can shove his consciousness into thing across time.

    sounds like he could plausibly be in every single character in the series.

    Bran the voyeur. He sees everything.

  13. the reason people believe rhaegar is mance is not because of mance baby being named aemon or the ruby, from what i have heard , the reason is that mance left the watch because they wouldnt let him use red silk on his watchman cloak, also mance is also a bard and knows many songs from the south, if i recall correctly he was playing dornishman wife when jon met him. another reason is that mance said to have infiltrated winterfell before, and this is related with the fact rhaegar allegedly abducted lyanna from winterfell. Just wanted to add that since your reason didnt made much sense to me. Anyways great video! love your work

  14. The craziest theory I've ever heard is that when Rhaenys Targaryen was "killed" in Dorne, she is actually turned into an immortal half dead person, similar to Lady Stoneheart, using similar revival stuff. This is in the letter that Aegon I receives.

    She stays alive in Dorne, and when Ned Stark comes to The Tower of Joy, he meets Rhaenys there, and seducing him using her powers, and that Jon Snow is actually the blood of the dragon, but is actually Neds bastard as well.

    Nahhh jk I made that up just then, great theory though if I must say so myself 🙂

  15. The craziest theory I like and partially see could be true, is the theory that ASOIAF is not supposed to be medieval fantasy, but will actually end up being revealed to be post apocalyptic sci-fi. Basically the theory is that the long night was the result of a nuclear winter 8000 years before Aegon's landing, and destroyed much of the planet and set them back to the medieval times. This is not uncommon for GRRM's other books to be post apocalyptic sci-fi novels. The others theorized to actually be mutated, zombie like creatures from places suffering from intense radiation exposure.

  16. Mance and Rhaegar are both described as being charismatic and have both proven an ability to unite people as a result of their own person-Mance's being more obvious but Rhaegar's just being because of his ability to interact with the commoners of his kingdom despite the trend of superiority felt by rulers(like cersei and shit) over their people-But the main reason why i think it would make sense is that those two are the only two i can think of (right now) that both excel at combat and the arts-a sort of "complete" person in TWOIAF-like when Jon first meets Mance he does not assume the right person is Mance because Mance is playing Music (talks about how he loves the culture of all peoples-sounds like the true Azor Ahai to me)-and while i know other musicians being bad at combat does not prove my point is helps that most singers sort of suck-like the one Tyrion kills or the one pushed out the Moon Door or the Black Brother (Darion?) who ditches Sam-so clearly (nah JK-in my head though) GRR has some seeds he's planting about the duality between combat and art (the two things people can pursue in this world other than faith-which we have seen sort of combines the two) and maybe an iea about how man needs to find a middle ground between the two just like how AWOIAF seems to be an easily unbalanced world from a natural aspect

  17. incest aint bad in AWOIAF-but it makes sense with how GRRM thinks(AS I UNDERSTAND) for the one truly honor bound great guy in the book to very early as a result of him keeping said faith-I don't know about y'all but the Death of Ned Stark was what set the precedent, for me as a reader, for what to expect in the books (like how GRRM is not creating a world where to good guy always wins because that's not how a human world works)


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