hi guys here’s my top 5 speeches in The Lord Of The Rings , please let me know if you think I’ve missed any out and please feel free too subscribe



  1. I always loved Theoden's speech. Even though he wasn't one of the main characters, I think he's one of the most admirable. I always played his speech in my head when I need courage to do something. Somehow it always seems to make whatever needs to be done a little easier.

  2. Hey what about Sam's speech at the end about the taste of strawberries and the beauty of the shire. That last scene where he says "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you. COME ON MR FRODO!" easily shoulda been #1

  3. I think one of the best speeches that was not included in this video is when Aragorn and Theoden are in the keep of Helm's Deep with the army of Uruk-Hai about to breach the door and Aragorn convinces Theoden to go out and meet the Uruk-Hai head-on riding on their horses and fight them even if it is an almost certain death. But at least it would be a glorious death, much better than dying inside the keep with little hope left. That was for me the best scene of LOTR The Two Towers and one of the best scenes in the entire movie trilogy.


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